havo 4 unit 10

unit 10 the final frontier
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 20 slides, with text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

unit 10 the final frontier

Slide 1 - Slide

Slide 2 - Video

10.1 speaking
What are the people in the pictures doing?
Where are they?

Which of the two pictures do you think represents something that could actually happen in the future?

Slide 3 - Slide

10.1 reading
exercise 2
Skim the text for general meaning and answer te question:
Why do NASA and the SFF have different priorities?

exercise 3
Place the sentences back in the text.

Slide 4 - Slide


verb                    noun                             adjective                                adverb 
use                     use / usage              (re) usable                                - 
settle                settlement                 (un) settling                             - 
 -                         commerce                 commercial                         commercially 
achieve           achievement            (un)achievable                        - 
end                    end / ending             (un)ending                               - 
To be appropriate -                           (in)appropriate                     (in)appropriatrly 
To be willing  willingness               (un)willing                               (un willingly 

To be patient patience (im)patient patiently 

Slide 5 - Slide

verb                                  noun                               adjective                           adverb
-                                         regularity                       (ir)regular                         (ir)regularly 
afford                              -                                         (un)affordable                (un)affordably  
(To research)                science                         (un)scientific                   (un)scientifically  
impress                           impression                 (un)impressive                (un)impressively  
(to legislate)                  legality / legislation (il)legal                              (il) legally  
experience                      experience                 (un)experienced                -  
To be responsible       responsibility             (ir)responsible               (ir)responsibly  
-                                          morality                         (im)moral                         (im)morally 

now do exercises 4 -6

Slide 6 - Slide

speaking exercise 7
form groups of four and discuss the questions in exercise 7

Slide 7 - Slide

unit 10.2 future tenses
Going to future  ( to be + verb + ing)

• Plan for the future on which you have decided but not acted upon ( no tickets are bought for example) 
Example: I am going to visit New York in the future. 
  • intentions
example: Nesrin says she is going to be quiet in class.
  • predictions based on facts or events in the present
example: Jim is going to fail this class. He has many bad mark.

Scan the  QR code next to this for an explanation!!

Slide 8 - Slide

Future simple 
• What you think is going to happen in the future 
• Offer/ promise 
Example: I don’t think people will re-elect Trump in four years. 
     I will help you paint the walls of your bedroom. 

Slide 9 - Slide

Present  continuous 
• Plan for the future on which you have acted: tickets are bought, free days arranged, appointment made etc. 
Example: I am seeing my dentist this afternoon. (you have made an appointment) 

Slide 10 - Slide

Future continuous 
• At a certain time in the future you will be busy doing something 
This time next week I will be lying on the beach. 

Slide 11 - Slide

Future perfect 
• You talk about that is at the moment of speaking still future, but at the time mentioned in the future it will already be in the past. 
Example: This time next year I will have passed my exam. 

If you want to stress the duration you use a future perfect continuous
This time next year I will have been training for the marathon for 6 months.

Slide 12 - Slide

extra exercise
Fill in a future tense 
1. At the end of the holiday he … (travel) to four different countries.  
2. At this time next month I … (walk) in the Louvre. 
3. I … ( prepare) some salads for the party. 
4. I … (give) you a ring sometime. 
5. I … (have) a meeting with Charlotte at two o’clock. 
6. In 2021  I …(work) at the CCC for 30 years. 
7. It … (snow) tonight. 

Slide 13 - Slide

extra exercise
8. James says he … (work) harder.  
9. Mass space travel … ( soon become) possible.  
10. Nasa … (plan) to send further rockets to Mars.  
11. The new pool … (be) due to open in April.  
12. This time next year I …( finish) my course.  
13. Tom … (share) an office with Fran.  
14. It’s getting dark. It … (rain).  
15. I … (see) my dentist tomorrow afternoon for some treatment.  

Slide 14 - Slide

Slide 15 - Slide

answers extra exercise
1. At the end of the holiday he …will have travelled (travel) to four different countries.  
2. At this time next month I …will be walking (walk) in the Louvre. 
3. I …will prepare ( prepare) some salads for the party. 
4. I …will give (give) you a ring sometime. 
5. I …am having (have) a meeting with Charlotte at two o’clock. 
6. In 2021 I …will have worked (work) at the CCC for 30 years. 
7. It …is going to snow (snow) tonight. 

Slide 16 - Slide

answers extra exercise
8. James says he … (work) harder.is going to work 
9. Mass space travel … will soon become ( soon become) possible.  
10. Nasa …plans (plan) to send further rockets to Mars. 
11. The new pool …is (be) due to open in April. 
12. This time next year I will have finished…( finish) my course. 
13. Tom will be sharing … (share) an office with Fran. 
14. It’s getting dark. It is going to rain… (rain). 
15. I  am seeing… (see) my dentist tomorrow afternoon for some treatment. 

Slide 17 - Slide

future tenses
Now do exercises 1 -6

Slide 18 - Slide

Who is positive about the future and who is negative about the future?

speaker 1   ...
speaker 2 ... 
speaker 3 ...
speaker 4 ...
nr 15

Slide 19 - Slide

phrases with at
at first                          eerst 
at once                       meteen 
at last                          tenslotte 
at least                       tenminste 
at present                 nu 
at the same time   op hetzelfde moment/tijd 
at peace                   rustig, kalm, in vrede 
at war                         in oorlog 
at rest                        in rust 
at his laziest           op zijn luist 
at its worst              op zijn ergst 
at their best           op hun best 

now do exercise 8

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