Lesson 5 will vs shall

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

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Sam B
Sam vd b

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to do

- Les plannen van klas 1 voor morgen 
Voor klas 2 gewoon even herhalen dat document en na 10 minuten beginnen en dan na de so gewoon checken of het huiswerk af is. 

- als ik nog zin heb, de volgende les van  klas 1 plannen 

- Mats verstoort de les erg, devano, tuur, tieme ook wel

Today's lesson:
- Words quiz p. 170
- Revision 'going to'
- shall vs will
- Checking homework
- Lesson 5

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'Going to' revision
Looking at these sentences, do you remember exactly when we use 'going to'?
> "They're going to watch a movie at the cinema tonight."
> "She's been studying all week; she's going to do well on the test."

We use it for... 

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'Going to' revision
We use it for... 
1. Plans or Intentions: When you’ve already decided to do something in the future.
2.Predictions based on evidence: When something seems likely to happen because of current signs or evidence.

Turn these into correct sentences using going to:
1. Negative (John - not - to be going to - to eat)
2. Positive (They - to be going to - to travel)
3. Question (to be going to - I - to study) 

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Aside from 'going to' we can also use 'will'' and 'shall' to refer to the future. 
We use will for decisions we make at the moment: 
  • "I’m hungry. I will order a pizza."
  • "The phone is ringing. I will answer it."
  • "I forgot to send that email. I will do it right now."

Affirmative/postive = Will/ 'll + whole verb (ww).   >  I'll have a cup of tea. 
Negation/negative= will not/ won't + whole verb    > I won't go to her party. 
Interrogative/quesiton= Will + person + whole verb   > Will they win the match? 

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Aside from 'going to' we can also use 'will'' and 'shall' to refer to the future. 
We also use 'will' for..... 
"I hope she will give me a great present.''

Assumption (Aanname):
"'He won't be on time. He's always late.''

"I will always support you."

"Will you please pass me the salt?"

Prediction (Voorspelling):
"The team will win the match."

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Aside from 'going to' we can also use 'will'' and 'shall' to refer to the future. 
We use 'shall' for questions. But we only use it when talking about 'I' or 'we'.
How? Use shall+ I/we + whole verb (ww)

Asking for an opinion:
> "Shall I bring some snacks to the party?"

Offering something:
> "Shall I help you with that?"

Suggesting something: 
> "Shall we go for a walk?"

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Practice: use going to / will
1. I promise alright I ________ do the dishes tonight. 
2. She's quite forgetful so I wouldn't be surprised if she ______  forget it's my birthday. 
3. He's sick so he just decided that he _______ take a few days off from work. 
4. I already made plans. We _________ watch a movie tonight.
5. He’s ________  buy a new phone next month.

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Checking homework
  • Take your writing exercise.
  • Exchange it with your neighbor's so you can review each other's work. 
  • I’ll show you the specific points to focus on while giving feedback. 
  • Write down your comments, then return the work to your partner. 
  • I will walk around to check everyone's progress.

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Ze moeten hun schrijfopdracht nog laten zien + ze moeten oefenen met het gebruik van will en shall.
Feedback punten schrijfopdracht
Geef voor elk punt een O / V / G
1. Gebruik van 'Going to'
 Is 'going to' correct gebruikt om plannen voor de toekomst te beschrijven? 
 Zijn er genoeg zinnen met 'going to'?
2. Woordenaantal en Structuur
 Heeft de leerling minstens 150 woorden geschreven?
 Is het verhaal duidelijk en goed gestructureerd?
3. Hoofdletters en Interpunctie
 Zijn hoofdletters en punten correct gebruikt?
4. Creativiteit
 Is het verhaal creatief en origineel?
(Als je klaar bent met het geven van feedback kan je alvast je huiswerk maken: 4,5,6 p. 159)
5. Algemene Feedback
Wat vond je goed aan het verhaal?
Wat kan de leerling verbeteren?

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Checking homework
Grab your workbook and go to page 157
We're going to check exercises 1,2,3

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Study: p. 170 
Do: ex 4,5,6 p. 159

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