This lesson contains 46 slides, with text slides and 2 videos.
Items in this lesson
Slide 1 - Slide
Slide 2 - Slide
Slide 3 - Slide
Slide 4 - Slide
Slide 5 - Slide
About the creators
Kiran Millwood Hargrave and Tom de Freston met in 2009, when Kiran was
a student and Tom was artist-in-residence at Cambridge University. They have been a
couple and collaborators ever since, but Julia and the Shark is their first novel.
Slide 6 - Slide
About the creators
Kiran is
the award-winning, bestselling author of novels including The Girl of Ink & Stars, The
Way Past Winter, and The Deathless Girls, and Tom is making his illustrative debut,
having worked as an acclaimed artist for many years.
Slide 7 - Slide
Slide 8 - Video
Slide 9 - Slide
Slide 10 - Slide
This is the route from Hayle, Cornwall
through the to the Shetland Islands.
Slide 11 - Slide
Slide 12 - Slide
Slide 13 - Slide
Slide 14 - Slide
New vocabulary
In random groups of four, compare your five words and look for overlaps.
Each group chooses 3–5 of the most challenging words and writes definitions in your own words.
Swap your words and definitions with another group, who must match them correctly.
Slide 15 - Slide
Chapter 1
1. Why did it take Julia's family four days to get to Shetland?
2. How does Julia know so much about sea creatures?
Slide 16 - Slide
Chapter 1
1. Why did it take Julia's family four days to get to Shetland?
It took four days because they needed to go by car as they had so many heavy things to take.
2. How does Julia know so much about sea creatures?
Her mother studied things in the sea and talked about them a lot with her.
Slide 17 - Slide
Chapter 2
1. Why didn't Julia want to stand near Dad?
2. How does Julia feel about her new home? How do you know?
Slide 18 - Slide
Chapter 2
1. Why did Julia want to stand near Dad?
She was embarrassed by all the stretching he was doing, and so she didn't want anyone to see her next to him.
2. How does Julia feel about her new home? How do you know?
She isn't happy about the idea. She reminded herself that it was just for summer.
Slide 19 - Slide
What do you think would be the best and worst things about living in a lighthouse?
Give reasons for your answer.
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Slide 21 - Slide
Slide 22 - Video
Slide 23 - Slide
Next ENA lesson
Homework is to read up to p.59
Chapter 4-5-6
Take brief notes of what happened in each chapter.
Write down at least 5 new/difficult words AND their translations.
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Welcome back! ch x-x
Slide 25 - Slide
Chapter 4
Why do you think people stopped and looked at Julia and her mother in town?
Chapter 5
Why is Mum looking for the Greenland shark?
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Chapter 4
They stopped and looked because everyone knew everyone else, so they wanted to see who the new people were.
Chapter 5
She is researching them because some scientists believe the answers to what causes Greenland sharks to move so slowly might help with medical research.
Slide 27 - Slide
What are (character) traits?
Talk to your neighbour.
Stay in English!
I think it means....
Could it mean...?
It might mean...
Slide 28 - Slide
What are (character) traits?
Character traits are a combination of the different qualities that define a character, such as thoughts, feelings, personality, and the choices they make.
Can you think of any positive or negative traits?
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Positive Character Traits
Negative Character Traits
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Slide 31 - Slide
Next ENA lesson
Homework is to read up to p. 98
Take brief notes of what happened in each chapter.
Slide 32 - Slide
Welcome back! ch. x-11
Slide 33 - Slide
English Albion Worksheet
Julia and the Shark
p.4 Endangered sharks
p.6 Two
p.8 Five
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Writing assignment (grade)
Week 11 preparation & writing
week 13 finish writing
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Next ENA lesson
Homework is to read up to p. 152
Take brief notes of what happened in each chapter.
Julia and the Shark
p.4 Endangered sharks
p.6 Two
p.8 Five
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Welcome back! ch. 11-16
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Chapter 14
What can happen to Mum when she gets too happy?
What does Dad think Mum needs to do?
Chapter 16
Why is Julia determined to find the shark?
Why does Julia think the shark will be easy to find?
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Chapter 14
She gets too tired and then she gets sad.
He thinks Mum needs to spend more time with Julia.
Chapter 16
She thought if she found the shark it would make Mum better.
She had the coordinates for where it was, and Greenland Sharks move very slowly.
Slide 39 - Slide
The writing assignment
Start with an introduction.
Then mention ALL of the elements for your specific theme.
Answer the final question: ‘What is your opinion about the book?’
I think, in my opinion, I believe that, to be honest, I recommend this book because, etc.
Please write approximately 200 words.
You have one lesson to prepare and one lesson to write your final piece and hand in your work.
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Theme 1
Slide 41 - Slide
Theme 2
Slide 42 - Slide
Theme 3
Look back at all the illustrations in the book. Which ones are your favourites and why?
How would the experience of reading the book have been different without the illustrations? Explain in your own words.
Do you have any questions you would like to ask Tom de Freston about the process of illustrating the book? Or Kiran Millwood Hargrave about the story she has written? Formulate 5 appropriate questions.
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Theme 4
On page 18, Julia says, ‘I could see why so many stories were set in lighthouses. It’s a good place for adventures.’ Who do you think the next occupant of Uffle-Gent lighthouse might be? Why might they be there?
Write a story of your own set in the lighthouse. Will your main character find what they are looking for … or will they find what they need?