Hippo stuck in poolA young hippopotamus that was chased away from his herd at a South African game reserve has found a refreshing place to relax: he plunged into a pool at the Monate Conservation Lodge north of Johannesburg. The 8ft-deep swimming pool is big enough for him to swim, but there are no steps and there’s no way he can come out.
A game capture team is now preparing to sedate the hippo and lift him out of the pool using a crane. Much of the water has already been drained to make the extraction easier, and a vet will be present.
More dominant males forced the 4-year old hippo from the herd, after his mother gave birth to a new baby recently.
Staff have been feeding the hippo during his extended swim. They say he had been noticeably relaxed without any aggressive cousins to contend with. Because the hippo was chased away by his herd, he will be moved to another animal sanctuary.
guardian.co.uk, 2012
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