FCE Exam: What is it and why you need to do your best to pass!
How we will prepare for the Exam
Turn to pages 1 and 2
Read through the Unit overview for Unit 1
The items labelled 'Task' will give exam style practice
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Learning new vocabulary
Write it down!!!
Mind map???
Tip: Use the back of your notebook to record the new words for each lesson.
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OR....learn vocabulary using Quizlet
Go to www.quizlet.com
Join the class
Practice using the class sets
When you have practiced enough, we will practice in class
Remember: Learning new vocabulary is the key to learning any language.
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Quick Diagnostic test!
This is not for a grade, purely to give me an idea of where we are all at : )
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FCE Exams
Thursday the 20th April (All day - writing/Listening/Reading+UoE)
Friday the 21st of April (Speaking Exam)
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Homework - Plenda
Start to learn the vocabulary for Unit 1 on page 19 or use the Quizlet cards https://quizlet.com/_8lmbab?x=1jqt&i=rb6wk
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Desert Island
Imagine that you're being exiled to a desert island and can take only one item along. If you are having a hard time thinking of something, what about favorite books, or a favorite movie, etc.
Sit so that your partner cannot see what you are drawing and make a simple drawing of your "survival item".
Sit back to back so that your partner cannot see you. Student A describe your drawing in detail: Student B draw what you hear!