Mavo les 1 - 28 november 2022

Welcome 2MA
Binnen 5 minuten:
- Naar de WC en terug
- Jassen uittrekken en tas op de grond
- Spullen op tafel (boek, schrift en schrijfgerei)
- Wees stil om te beginnen
1 / 23
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 23 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Welcome 2MA
Binnen 5 minuten:
- Naar de WC en terug
- Jassen uittrekken en tas op de grond
- Spullen op tafel (boek, schrift en schrijfgerei)
- Wees stil om te beginnen

Slide 1 - Slide

Welcome class 2 mavo!

Slide 2 - Slide

At the end of this lesson you ...
... know more about the new grammar rules: have to, must and should. 

Slide 3 - Slide

At the end of this lesson you ...
... have refreshed your foreknowledge about 'going to' and 'will/shall'.
... know more about the new grammar rules: have to, must and should. 

Slide 4 - Slide

-Please put all phones away.
-Hands up for questions or comments.
-Don't speak unnecessarily with your classmates during class.
-Respect each other.

Slide 5 - Slide


Slide 6 - Slide

going to
Gebruik je als:
- je iets van plan bent om te doen of iets wat eerder is besloten;
- je denkt dat iets gaat gebeuren omdat je het ziet of weet.

am/is/are+going to+hele werkwoord
I am going to see a play tomorrow.
It's going to rain soon.

Ontkennende zinnen: am not/is not/are not
I'm not going to play football.
She is not going to call you.

Vragende zinnen: eerst beginnen met: am/is/are
Are you going to come with us?
Are we going to travel this summer?

Slide 7 - Slide

Gebruik je als:
- je denkt dat iets gaat gebeuren of bij voorspellingen waarbij je niet weet of het echt zal gebeuren;
- je iets besluit om te gaan doen op dat moment.

will+hele werkwoord
I will walk with you to school.
He will win the match.
I shall go to school.
Shall we meet tomorrow?

Ontkennende zinnen
Anna won't dance with him.
He won't not help him with his homework.
I shall not disturb you.
I shall not agree with her.

Slide 8 - Slide

We ... (go) to the cinema.

Slide 9 - Open question

Frank... (get) some waffles.

Slide 10 - Open question

I ... (take) some photos.

Slide 11 - Open question

We ..... be in Rome this weekend. (will/shall)

Slide 12 - Open question

... we visit our grandma? (will/shall)

Slide 13 - Open question

He ... win the game. (will/shall) negative

Slide 14 - Open question

New grammar!
have to/has to, must, should

Deze zijn werkwoorden en gebruik je voor het geven van adviezen en bevelen.

Slide 15 - Slide

have to/has to
Gebruik je om aan te geven dat iets gedaan moet worden.

Dus: have to/has to = moeten (informeel)

I have to clean my room.
Frank has to apologize to him.

Slide 16 - Slide

must (1)
Gebruik je voor wetten, regels en bevelen.

Dus: must = moeten (formeel)

Jason must go to school according to his parents.
You must have a passport if you want to travel.

Slide 17 - Slide

must (2)
Gebruik je ook: om aan te geven dat iets niet anders kan.

Your homework must be done before Friday.
We must pay attention to our teacher.

Slide 18 - Slide

Betekent: iets moeten doen dat belangrijk is.

Je gebruikt het ook om advies te geven.

Anna should join the soccer team. 
They should help the guy who fell off his bike.

Slide 19 - Slide

Exercise time
What: You are going to complete assignment 1 t/m 8 in your workbooks on pages 113- 118.
How: On your own.
Help: With the help of my explanation and the workbook.
Time: 15 minutes.
Outcome: We are going to discuss the answers together.


Slide 20 - Slide

Slide 21 - Slide

Now you ...
... have refreshed your foreknowledge about 'going to' and 'will/shall'.
... know more about the new grammar rules: have to, must and should. 

Slide 22 - Slide

Unit 3 lesson 4: do all exercises + lesson 2,3,4 learn words + lesson 2,4 learn grammar.

Slide 23 - Slide