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HOM2C 22-5-24
HOM2C 22-5-2024
Reading a text, Practising roleplays
Learning for Hogeschooltaal
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Slide 1:
Studiejaar 2
This lesson contains
16 slides
, with
interactive quizzes
text slides
Lesson duration is:
50 min
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Items in this lesson
HOM2C 22-5-2024
Reading a text, Practising roleplays
Learning for Hogeschooltaal
Slide 1 - Slide
What will we do today?
Look back at last lesson
Introductory Wordle
Reading text 7 and making the exercises (page 58 & 59)
Learning the Roleplays and forming sentences (page 123 - 131)
Closing the lesson
Slide 2 - Slide
What did we do last lesson?
Slide 3 - Slide
Reading Exercise
The text that we will be reading is about Tinder.
First we will engage in a class discussion about Tinder and what we think of- and know about dating apps.
Slide 4 - Slide
Reading Exercise
Open reader on page 58.
We will read text 7 together with the class.
Once we're done you'll be making the exercise individually or with the classmate sitting next to you.
We'll check the answers together once everyone is finished.
Stay silent while reading and making the exercise, you could distract someone.
Slide 5 - Slide
Today we will make/form sentences for our roleplays in class, we'll be doing this through LessonUp.
I will show you a prompt from the Roleplays and you will form a sentence using that prompt as you normally would when verbally studying roleplays.
Slide 6 - Slide
Roleplay 2: 'Vertel dat er verschillende manieren zijn om in Amsterdam te komen en dat je vanaf hier zelfs ook met de bus kan.
"There are different ways to get to Amsterdam, you can even take the bus from here."
Slide 7 - Slide
Roleplay 2:
"De gast wilt weten wat de andere manieren van O.V. zij. Rijdt er bijvoorbeeld ook een trein?"
Slide 8 - Open question
Roleplay 3:
"De gast geeft aan dat er iets niet met de rekening klopt."
Slide 9 - Open question
Roleplay 5:
"De man vertelt dat hij al een tijdje de lift probeert te gebruiken, maar dat het er op lijkt dat deze het niet doet."
Slide 10 - Open question
Roleplay 6:
"De gast legt haar situatie uit, haar dochter is in het ziekenhuis opgenomen en ze wil graag bij haar zijn."
Slide 11 - Open question
Roleplay 8:
"Met je reactie laat je zien dat je dat heel vervelend voor ze vindt. Vraag waar ze hun koffer voor het laatst hebben gezien."
Slide 12 - Open question
10 minute break
Slide 13 - Slide
Now you will learn the roleplays again with the classmate next to you,
Take pages 123-131 in front of you
Make use of the sentences that you might have written/formed
10 to 15 minutes to learn roleplays with your duo.
Slide 14 - Slide
Now you will be studying for Hogeschooltaal once again on your laptops.
We will do this until we will close the lesson together. So until 11:55
I will be walking around to help you if you have any questions.
Slide 15 - Slide
Lesson ending through Mentimeter
Go to Menti.com
Enter code: 8603 1012
Slide 16 - Slide
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