Unit 6.1 Present Perfect

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo b, kLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 25 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

Slide 2 - Slide

Afspraken in 2023
  • Als je iets wilt zeggen, steek je je hand op
  • Je luistert en bent dus stil
  • Je werkt mee
  • Je schrijft mee in je schrift/werkboek/Chromebook
  • Je kletst niet met je klasgenoten en reageert niet op/naar anderen
  • Je gebruikt je Chromeboek alleen als het nodig is
  • Je maakt je huiswerk, of je ouders worden geïnformeerd

Slide 3 - Slide

Friday, 02 June 2023

Slide 4 - Slide

Lesson plan
Unit 6: Nature
  • Recap Words 6.1
  • Grammar Present Perfect
  • Homework

Slide 5 - Slide

My goal - our goals
Aan het einde van de les...
 ...heb je geoefend de "words Lesson 6.1" 
... heb je geoefend de Present Perfect

Slide 6 - Slide

WORDS 6.1, page 181

Slide 7 - Slide

Words 6.1, page 181

Slide 8 - Slide

Lesson 5.1+5.2
Words 6.1
De link staat in je classroom


Slide 9 - Slide

Present Perfect / Voltooid tegenwoordige tijd

Slide 10 - Slide

Present Perfect / Voltooid tegenwoordige tijd

Slide 11 - Slide

When to use?
1. Als je wilt zeggen dat iets is gebeurd en het NIET belangrijk  is WANNEER.

For example: We have finished all our work.
She has given me a really good idea.

Slide 12 - Slide

When to use?
2. Als je wilt zeggen dat iets in het verleden is begonnen en NOG steeds doorgaat. In de zin staat dan vaak: since, for of in.

For example: I've been here since ten o'clock.
Dominic has waited for hours.
We haven't seen you in weeks.

Slide 13 - Slide

When to use? 
3. Als je wilt zeggen dat iets net of iets nog niet is gebeurd. In de zin staan dan vaak woorden als: just, lately, recently of yet.

For example: They've just sent him a message.
I haven't finished this yet.

Slide 14 - Slide

How to use?
  • Have / has + voltooid deelwoord.
  • Regular verbs end with -ed

  • Irregular verbs have their own form, page 184/185

Slide 15 - Slide

 Present Perfect

Slide 16 - Slide


Slide 17 - Slide

Hoe maak je de
Present Perfect?

Slide 18 - Mind map

Fill in the Present Perfect:
+ (lock) 2. Jenny ... just ... the door.
Jenny has just locked the door.
Jenny hasn't just locked the door.
Jenny have just locked the door.
Jenny haven't just locked the door.

Slide 19 - Quiz

Fill in the Present Perfect:
? (read) 1. ... Sarah ... the book?
Have Sarah read the book.
Has Sarah read the book?
Did Sarah read the book?
Does Sarah read the book?

Slide 20 - Quiz

Fill in the Present Perfect:
- (rain) 3. It ... ... for a few months.
It has rained for a few months.
It hasn't rained for a few months.
It have rained for a few months.
It haven't rained for a few months.

Slide 21 - Quiz

Fill in the Present Perfect:
- (say) 4. Bob ... ... a word since yesterday.
Bob haven't said a word since yesterday.
Bob have said a word since yesterday.
Bob hasn't said a word since yesterday.
Bob has said a word since yesterday.

Slide 22 - Quiz

Fill in the Present Perfect:
+ (take) 5. Sam and Sarah ... ... pictures.
Sam and Sarah has taken pictures.
Sam and Sarah hasn't taken pictures.
Sam and Sarah have taken pictures.
Sam and Sarah haven't taken pictures.

Slide 23 - Quiz

Let's practise

Unit 6 - Lesson 1 - exc. 9 page 107/108 

Slide 24 - Slide

2nd - 3B3 Monday 05 June
3rd - 3B12  Monday 05 June
Unit  6.1 Reading
Leren: Words/ Grammar (Present Perfect)

Maken: Unit 6 - Lesson 1 -  exc. 9 page 107/108 
  • PractiseMore (Words + Grammar (Present Perfect).

Slide 25 - Slide