Week 1: Introduction to English Elective

Week 1: English Elective (keuzedeel)
いらっしゃいませ! Irasshaimase
欢迎! Huānyíng
! مرحباً mrhbaan
1 / 27
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1,2

This lesson contains 27 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Week 1: English Elective (keuzedeel)
いらっしゃいませ! Irasshaimase
欢迎! Huānyíng
! مرحباً mrhbaan

Slide 1 - Slide

Ellen Chan
Available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Teacher's office, 0.64

Slide 2 - Slide

Slide 3 - Slide

Love and irritations
Loves students who:
  1. concentrate and learn.
  2. participate in class positively (ask/answer questions related to class.

Slide 4 - Slide

Love and irritations
Loves students who:
  1. concentrate and learn.
  2. participate in class positively (ask/answer questions related to class.
Gets irritated when students:
1. are disruptive in class (talking/laughing about inside jokes)
2. don't concentrate on the lesson

Slide 5 - Slide

Love and irritations
Disruptive in class--1, 2, 3 system

1: warning
2: removed from class
3: noted on Eduarte

Slide 6 - Slide

Things you need to know to work with Ms Chan:
I like a good joke, but I'm serious in class because I'm working.
So, let's work in class and laugh together outside of class.
I can get overstimulated if too many people talk at the same time. So please raise your hand if you wish to speak.
I'm extremely patient if you want to learn or don't understand the material. So, don't be shy to ask!

Slide 7 - Slide

We speak...English in this class!  :-)
In case you are stuck, I encourage you to describe the Dutch word in English. We avoid using Dutch unless it is absolutely necessary!
Slow and steady wins the race!

Slide 8 - Slide

Format of the course:
  1. READING! :-) Bring an English book that you like and read for 15 minutes every week.
  2. Lesson starts
  3. Break of 5-10 minutes
  4. Assignment in class

Slide 9 - Slide

Write down new words in your notebook.

Slide 10 - Slide

4 English skills to be tested:

Slide 11 - Slide

2 Ls, 3 Ss
  • Lezen
  • Luisteren
  • Schrijven
  • Spreken
  • geSprekken
Centraalexamen (CE)
Instellingsexamen (IE)

Slide 12 - Slide


Slide 13 - Slide

Examens: Keuzedeel Engels
Jaar 1:
Periode 3: Start lezen en spreken vaardigheden
Periode 4: Examens spreken/gesprekken (in 1 zit)

Jaar 2:
Periode 1: Examens lezen/luisteren (in 1 zit)
Periode 2: Examen schrijven

Herkansingen zijn eind volgende periode. Examens goed voorbereiden om geen studievertraging op te lopen.

Slide 14 - Slide

Slide 15 - Slide

A national Dutch treasure  (schat).
Also known as: the Circle of Death! 

Slide 16 - Slide

How is the Dutch Circle of Death recognized?
By competitive games
By a formal invitation
By participants sitting in a circle
By live music performances

Slide 17 - Quiz

What activities happen during these parties?
Formal speeches and presentations
Drinking coffee and tea, and socializing
Sporting events and competitions
Art exhibitions

Slide 18 - Quiz

What activities occur during these parties?
Formal speeches and presentations
Light drinking and socializing
Sporting events and competitions
Art exhibitions and showcases

Slide 19 - Quiz

Why is it called the
Circle of Death?

Slide 20 - Mind map

What is the purpose of the Circle of Death? Answer in full sentences.

Slide 21 - Open question

  1. Rearrange the classroom to mimic a “kringverjaardag”. (2 minutes)

  2. Choose 2-3 cards. You will be asked, "Why did you choose this card?" Prepare to ask others about their cards too. (5 minutes)

  3. Prepare 3 short sentences for "Small Talk". Small talk is an 'beginpraatje'.
Hello. How are you? My name is...
Who did you come with? 

Slide 22 - Slide

Name 3 ways
of Small Talk

Slide 23 - Mind map

Round 1: speak to each other

You are in the Circle of Death. You have to talk to the person on your right for at least 3 minutes per person. 
  1. Start with 3 short sentences of 'small talk'.
  2. Then, look at each other's cards and ask "Why did you choose this card?"
  3. If you're done before 3 minutes, continue to talk! 

Slide 24 - Slide

Round 2: new partner.

Have the same conversation with the next person but add at least 3 linking words. However, avoid using “but, because” and “and”.

Instead, use: However, In addition, So that, Significantly                                                        (HISS). 

Slide 25 - Slide

Round 3: all together

  1. Collect all the cards.
  2. Shuffle them.
  3. Divide the cards amongst yourselves.
  4. A leader will make up a story using one of their cards.
  5. Cards are only used once.
  6. Discarded cards are put in the middle.
  7. The next person on the left will look at their cards and continue with the story. 
  8. Continue until all the cards are used up.

Slide 26 - Slide

Slide 27 - Slide