Les 2-havo Word order 31-3-21

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EngelsMiddelbare school

This lesson contains 18 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson


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Today's topic:

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Learning goals

  • After today I understand the correct word order in English. 
  • After today I can put sentences in the correct order.

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Why is word order important?

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Why word order is important

-> To prevent misunderstanding and confusion. 
-> For clear communication.
-> To look professional when writing in English.

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  She                           bought              a blue dress. 

    The fitting rooms            are             on the second floor. 
Look the words. What do the sentences have in common?

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Object / plaatsbepaling 
  She                           bought              a blue dress. 

    The fitting rooms            are             on the second floor. 
Het onderwerp staat als eerste in de zin. 
Het werkwoord komt na het onderwerp. 
Objecten / plaatsbepalingen komen na het werkwoord.

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She bought a blue dress. 
The fitting rooms are on the second floor. 
Look the new sentences. What has changed?

Did she buy a blue dress? 

Are the fitting rooms on the second floor?

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She bought a blue dress. 
The fitting rooms are on the second floor. 
In vraagzinnen wisselen het onderwerp en werkwoord.
Soms komt er ook een hulpwerkwoord bij zoals "did". 

Did she buy a blue dress? 

Are the fitting rooms on the second floor?

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I      always           go                to school              on weekdays.
I       usually       drink       a  cup of coffee       in the morning. 

Object / 

Look the new sentences. What are the new elements?

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Bijwoorden en plaatsbepalingen

I      always           go                to school              on weekdays.
I       usually       drink       a  cup of coffee       in the morning. 

Object / 

Het bijwoord komt tussen het onderwerp en het werkwoord.
Tijdsbepalingen komen achter plaatsbepalingen.

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Let op!
Bij een vorm van "be" komt het bijwoord na het 1e werkwoord.

They      are       usually       at the gym       on Mondays. 

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Take a look at the sentences.
Which ones are incorrect? 
1. My watch waterproof is. 
2. These shower gels have unusual scents. 
3. New looks it. 
4. This item is for sale? 
5. I'd like to try these shoes. 
6. I usually go on Mondays to soccer practice.
7. She is rarely late. 
8. She goes often shopping in the weekend.

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Incorrect sentences. 
1. My watch waterproof is. 
2. New looks it. 
3. This item is for sale? 
4. I usually go on Mondays to soccer practice.
5. She goes often shopping in the weekend.

How can you correct these sentences? 

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Incorrect sentences. 
1. My watch waterproof is. 
2. New looks it. 
3. This item is for sale? 
4. I usually go on Mondays to soccer practice.
5. She goes often shopping in the weekend.

1. My watch is waterproof.
2. It looks new. 
3. Is this item for sale? 
4. I usually go to soccer practice on Mondays.
5. She often goes shopping in the weekend.

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Let's practice!

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End of lesson 
- I understand the rules for word order in English. 
- I can put English sentences in the correct order.

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