2v Game Worlds Adverbs of Manner

Today's Lesson

Work on your task alone or in pairs

  • Brainstorm and write your backstory and mission
  • Brainstorm and write about your game world
  • If you are finished with these, begin on your characters and location.

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 41 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

Today's Lesson

Work on your task alone or in pairs

  • Brainstorm and write your backstory and mission
  • Brainstorm and write about your game world
  • If you are finished with these, begin on your characters and location.

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Task Goals

By the end of the task, I can:
Describe the backstory of your own game.
Describe the characters of your game.
Describe your game world.
Describe a location in your game world.

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Task Checklist

Work in groups of 2:
  1. Your game has a name 
  2. You describe the backstory and mission of the game (75 words or more) 
  3. You describe the game characters (50 words or more) 
  4. You describe your game world (75 words or more) 
  5. You describe one game world location (50 words or more) 
  6. You describe what you can do at this location (50 words or more) 
  7. You have 2 different pictures/drawings per person 

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Task Checklist

Work in groups of 2 or 3:
  1. You use some, any, a lot of and lots of correctly 
  2. You use have to, must and should correctly 
  3. You use myself, ourselves etc correctly  
  4. You use adverbs correctly 

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Today's Lesson

  1. Complete all Task exercises in Blink.
  2. Complete all the exercises the Leerblad in Blink.
  3. Complete Period 3: Game Worlds Task in Blink.
  4. Show Mvr. Doest what I have done to see if I can continue.
  5. Go through the Task checklist to make sure I have completed every step.

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Where to create your poster

Try to avoid using "premium" templates. 
You can also use paint or other software if you prefer.

If you run out of space for your text you can also write your text in a seperate document. 

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How to begin?
You can:
Make a wordweb

Use chat GPT to think of an idea (niet de tekst)
Use google and YouTube as inspiration

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Important Info

  • Done with the task? Have it approved by the teacher!

  • You are now going to create a short cutscene about the backstory of your game world. You use at least 5 pictures that you explain in English. Watch the movie 'King's Row Uprising Origin Story as an example: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5wDV8x6w7s).

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Period 3: Game Worlds
Adverbs of Manner

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Today's Lesson

1.  Review 'Game World' terms.
2. Listen to a song and discuss it.
3. Learn about adverbs.
4. LessonUp Quiz.
5. Partner interviews.
6. Discuss goals and homework.

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Lesson Review

1. What is a backstory?

2. What is a game world? 

3. What is a mission within a game?


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Lesson Review

Backstory: A backstory is what happened before the game begins. A gamer must know this story to understand why they're playing the adventure.

Game world: A fictional world in which a game takes place. It can be: a futuristic city, a medieval town, a deserted island enz. 

Mission: The task/quest that the gaming character must accomplish (the purpose of the game).

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Lesson Goals

By the end of this class I will be able to:
  1. identify what an adverb is
  2. explain what an adverb is
  3. use an adverb correctly

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Slide 14 - Video


Een bijwoord (adverb) geeft informatie over een actie (een werkwoord) in een zin. Veel bijwoorden eindigen op -ly.

1. I quickly finished the game. 
   (How did I finish the game?)
2. You have to shout loudly to enter the cave. 
   (How do you have to shout to enter the cave?)                                     3. If you walk quietly, you won't wake the dragon. 
    (How must you walk if you don't want to wake the dragon?)

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Let op: er zijn een paar bijwoorden die niet op -ly eindigen:
good - well
fast - fast
hard - hard

  1. If you play well, you can win a prize.
  2. You have to run fast to escape from the zombies.
  3. He is a great gamer because he practises hard every day.

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Spelling Rules

Veel bijvoeglijke naamwoorden kunnen worden omgezet in bijwoorden.              In most cases, we do this by simply adding -ly to the end of the adjective
suddenly                      brightly                   generally
e.g. The bright light...(adj)                     The light shone brightly. (adv)

Wanneer het bijvoeglijk naamwoord waarvan je een bijwoord wilt maken eindigt op -y, je moet de -y veranderen in een -i en dan -ly toevoegen.
happily                         angrily                      lazily
e.g. She sang a happy song. (adj)        She sang the song happily. (adv)

Als het bijvoeglijk naamwoord eindigt op -le, verwijder dan de -e en vervang deze door een -y.
terribly                          incredibly                 understandably
e.g. The film was terrible. (adj)             They acted terribly in the film. (adv)        

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1. There was a grizzly bear walking (slow) up the road.

Slide 18 - Quiz

2. Please talk (quiet) and switch off your phone.

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3. If you work too (hard), you make yourself unhappy.

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4. What can I do when my internet connection is (slow)?

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5. When I run alone, I always run (fast).

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6. Wow! That was a (quick) answer. Thanks.

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7. Doing something right is better than doing it (quick).

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8. How (good) do you know Fortnite?

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Adverbs Survey

Ask and answer the following questions in pairs:
  • What is something that you do quickly?  I eat quickly.
  • What is something that you can do easily?
  • What is something you have successfully completed?
  • What is something you rarely do?
  • What is a favour that you’ve gladly done for someone?

Remember one thing that your partner tells you and share it with the class. e.g. (Name) eats quickly.


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Where can an adverb go in a sentence?

If you always put an adverb in the same place in a sentence, it can make your writing seem repetitive. 

Read the following sentences.
She put the key in the door cautiously. She entered the house silently. She picked up the post excitedly.

These sentences all sound the same. You can solve this by moving the adverb. Look at the following choices.
Cautiously, she put the key in the door. She cautiously put the key in the door. She put the key in the door cautiously.

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Find the Adverbs (8):
1. Name the adverbs in the following passage.
2. What do each of the adverbs tell us.

I got up from my bed sleepily. Foolishly, I had left it too late as usual. I searched frantically for my school uniform, finding it eventually in various extremely strange places. After rapidly eating my breakfast, I left the house and ran to catch the bus.
Curiously, the bus stop was unusually quiet. I suddenly realised the reason. It was a school closure day.

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Re-place the adverbs:
In the following passage, the adverbs are always at the end of the sentence. Rewrite the passage so that the adverbs are in different places in the sentences.

The manager had agreed to hold the party in the function room enthusiastically. She walked towards the round table in the centre of the room cheerfully. She took orders quickly and efficiently. A party of twelve was already singing merrily.

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Lesson Goals

Now I can:
  1. identify what an adverb is
  2. explain what an adverb is
  3. use an adverb correctly

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  1. Read the grammar rules and complete: Blink > Game Worlds > hv > 10 Skills Test > Leerblad > Saying how you do things: Grammar

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Today's Lesson

  1. Discipline
  2. Skills test - how to prepare
  3. Task 
  4. Grammar help
  5. Continue with task

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  1. Complete written text: name, backstory, mission, characters, game world, location, what can you do at this location?
  2. Check grammar (make sure you have included all grammar points: some, any, a lot of / have to, must, should / yourself, myself, ourselves / adverbs (e.g. He runs quickly.)
  3. Complete pictures
  4. Use backstory and mission to make video (e.g. King's Row video)
  5. Record audio
  6. Make video: Insert pictures, music and audio clips.

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Backstory Example for Video

Twenty years after we won the war against the Omnics, we were no closer to living together in peace. The building of a new home for the Omnics in London was supposed to be the first step in improving human-robot relations but it never had a chance...
The Omnic extremist group 'Malsector' launched a surprise attack on King's Row; hundreds were killed and thousands more were displaced as they took control. Now, they are hunting down the last of the survivors. It could be the beginning of a new war between humans and Omnics unless we can stop them. 
Commander Morrison has sent our strike team to liberate the city. It's my first mission and the only way to saye my home. I hope we're not too late....

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Some, a lot of, any

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Must, should, have to/has to

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  1. What kind of place is it?
  2. What does it look like?
  3. What can you do there?

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Today's Lesson:

1. Go into Blink > Game Worlds > Lesson 11 & 12 Reading > Complete the exercises.
2. When finished with the reading, complete Lesson 13 > Listening.
3. When finished, complete Extra Reading Text 2 and 3 at the back of your Blink books.
Complete all Reading & Listening exercises above.

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Skills Test:

1. You ONLY need your iPad. Put everything else away!
2. You may only open and the begin the test when I say so.
3. No talking or looking around until EVERYONE is finished the test.
4. When you are finished, raise your hand to let me know and then you may continue with something else quietly.
5. Don't rush through the test, read over your answers.

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