GB2B SS7 chapter 4 I

Welcome GB2B
Week 11 - Lesson 2
Writing about the future
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo bLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 70 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome GB2B
Week 11 - Lesson 2
Writing about the future

Slide 1 - Slide

  1. Ga op je plaats zitten.
  2. Leg je spullen op tafel.
  3. Pak je mobiel in het zakkie en doe het in je rugzak/tas.
  4. Wacht rustig tot de les begint.

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At the end of this class I ...
  • ... can write about the future.
  • ... can find relevant information in a reading text.

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  1. Terugblik PTO 2
  2. Profielboekjes (gestuurd via Magister)
  3. Profielkeuzeformulier invullen 
Reminder: Praktische opdracht (PO) Reading
  1. In class, we will read the book 'Houda F Are you'.
  2. Throughout the periode you will need to do six assignments about the chapters we've read in class.
  3. You will hand-in the assignment via Somtoday.
  4. All assignments together will be the grade you get for the the praktische opdracht.
  5. If you don't hand-in one assignment or too late, you will get a 1 for that assignment.
  6. Deadline 4th assignment: 14 February @23.59 o'clock

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Future tense: toekomstige tijd
There are two ways to talk about the future.

  1. to be going to
  2. will

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Grammar 8A, page 43

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1. Future tense: to be going to
You use 'to be going to' when:

1. You have a plan to do something.
(My mum is going to buy a new dress next week.)

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2. Future tense: will
You use 'will' when...

1. ... you offer to do sth. or spontaneously decide to do sth.
(I will help you move next week.)
2. ... you promise something.
(I will buy you that game if you pass your test.)
3. ... you predict that something will happen.
(It'll be dark this time tomorrow.)

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  1. Terugblik PTO 2
  2. Profielboekjes (gestuurd via Magister)
  3. Profielkeuzeformulier invullen 
Exercise 56, page 43
  1. Kiri and I are going to visit the museum on Tuesday.
  2. Kiri is going to help Clive with his party on Wednesday.
  3. Caspar and Kiri are going to see a Manchester United match on Thursday.
  4. I am going to buy new shoes on Friday.
  5. ’ll go/will go
  6. ’ll be/will be
  7. ’ll forget/will forget

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Exercise 59(b), page 45
  1. School will start at 9:30.
  2. Jack is going to go to an island in summer.
  3. The tooth fairy will visit you tonight.

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There are two future tenses ...
  • to be going to & will

When do you use 'to be going to'?
  • You planned to do something.
When do you use 'will'?
  • Offer, promise, spontaneous idea or prediction

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Let's work!
1. Take your laptop.
2. Go to Numo Engels (via Somtoday).
3. Do the task named 'Reading practice'.
4. You don't need to finish all exercises.
5. Try to do as many as you can.

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Slide 13 - Link

- Work on and finish your 4th assignment.

Study/ learn:

Slide 14 - Slide