Questions (discuss them in pairs in class and in BP rooms first)
We'll discuss them together afterwards
1. Look at stanza 1. Who do you think Zephaniah is referring to when he uses the word ‘killers’ and why does he compare them to ‘Mussolini’? Stretch: Can you find any other metaphors to describe these killers? What else does that suggest?
2. What three rhetorical questions does Zephaniah ask in this poem? (Tip: Look for the
question marks.) Why do you think he asks them if doesn’t expect an answer? What effect do they have?
3. Find at least three times Zephaniah uses repetition in his poem. What points do you think he is trying to make?
4. What imagery (metaphors and similes) can you find in the poem? Why do you think they have been used?
5. Why do you think Zephaniah wrote this poem? What experiences is the speaker showing us here?