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'If' statements - 4 kinds:
0 = facts - If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.
I = real or likely situations - If a soldier kills the ogre, he will be named champion.
II = unlikely or hypothetical situations - If I won the lottery, I would go travelling around the world.
III = situations that cannot be changed - If I had studied for the test, I would have passed. (But I didn't study, so I didn't pass.)
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Slide 1:
Middelbare school
havo, vwo
Leerjaar 3
This lesson contains
10 slides
, with
interactive quizzes
text slides
Lesson duration is:
50 min
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Items in this lesson
'If' statements - 4 kinds:
0 = facts - If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.
I = real or likely situations - If a soldier kills the ogre, he will be named champion.
II = unlikely or hypothetical situations - If I won the lottery, I would go travelling around the world.
III = situations that cannot be changed - If I had studied for the test, I would have passed. (But I didn't study, so I didn't pass.)
Slide 1 - Slide
Fact: If + present simple = > present simple
condition: If + present simple
result: present simple
0 = Facts:
Hagar says, "If I win, I don't eat."
Slide 2 - Slide
If you _______ (press) the button, the light ________ (come) on.
The missing words are:
Slide 3 - Open question
Real/likely situation: If + present simple => will
The mirror says, "If I tell the truth, I will get broken..........."
I = Real / likely situations:
condition: if + present simple
result: will + verb
Slide 4 - Slide
If she _______ (not, hurry), we ________ (miss) the train.
The missing words are:
Slide 5 - Open question
Unlikely situation: If + past simple = > would
II = Unreal / unlikely situations:
condition: if + past simple
result: would + verb
Garfield, "If I did, would I be standing here."
Slide 6 - Slide
If I _________ (win) a million euros, I __________ (buy) a million bags of crisps.
The missing words are:
Slide 7 - Open question
Situations that you cannot change anymore:
If + past perfect => would + present perfect
III = Situations that cannot be changed anymore:
condition: if + past perfect
result: would + present perfect
The bank robber says, "If I hadn't been caught, I would have gotten away with it."
Slide 8 - Slide
If I _________ (do) my job, I __________ (not get) into trouble.
The missing words are:
Slide 9 - Open question
four types of conditional sentence
for facts
for real, likely situations
for unreal, unlikely situations
for situations that cannot be changed anymore
Slide 10 - Slide
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