TM Lesson 5 Final

On a scale of Dylan Wiliam, how are you today?
1 / 19
Slide 1: Slide
TaalHBOStudiejaar 4

This lesson contains 19 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

On a scale of Dylan Wiliam, how are you today?

Slide 1 - Slide

Welcome to TM session 5
  • Recap of last week's lesson
● Assignment recap
  • 'Assessing' example TM assignments
● Peer feedback and self-assessment in the classroom
● Theory quiz (if not done)

Slide 2 - Slide

This lesson
WALT/ AIM: Before the end of the lesson, students are able to incorporate self-assessment and peer feedback in their classroom and use the results in their analysis of student learning in phase 3.

       - Students can explain different ways of creating a safe classroom environment
       - Students can describe different ways of designing self-assessment
       - Students can explain different ways of designing peer feedback
       - Students can define phase 3 of the feedback loop
       - Students can explain different ways of analysing student learning

Slide 3 - Slide

Here we go again: Who can list the 5 phases of the feedback loop now?

Slide 4 - Poll

Slide 5 - Slide

Who can describe the final assignment and knows what is required to pass it?

Slide 6 - Poll

Grade boundaries

Slide 7 - Slide

Sample of final assignment

  • Sample student paper 
  • Review 1 phase per group
  • Evaluate it in accordance with the rubric and assignment overview.
  • Provide justification/examples to support your evaluation.
  • 10-15mins

Any questions or concerns?

Be very careful regarding plagiarism!

Slide 8 - Slide

Example Vlog
  • We will watch the entire vlog together.
  • Evaluate each phase individually
  • Make notes of points you think went well/where improvements could be made
  • Jot down examples/justifications as we're watching.
  • Be ready to discuss

Slide 9 - Slide

Who can remember how Dylan defines SE and PF?

Slide 10 - Open question

"Feedback is a process in which learners make sense of information about their performance and use it to enhance the quality of their work or learning strategies"

Slide 11 - Slide

Effective Feedback
Think-pair-share (10mins)

- What are the characteristics (at least three) of effective/successful feedback (SA and PF)?
- What are some (at least two) of the benefits of effective feedback?
- What might be the challenges to initiating SA and PF in our classrooms?
- Provide one example from the reading of an example of effective feedback that you'd like to try out in your classroom.

Slide 12 - Slide

How do you create a safe environment in your classroom to encourage effective feedback?

Slide 13 - Open question

Slide 14 - Slide

Strategies for Effective Feedback
1. Build in a following task in which students can apply feedback info from the first
2. Have students identify and state what kind of comments they would like
3. Have students respond to feedback information with a plan for what they are going to do with it
4. Have students judge their work against criteria or a rubric before they hand it in
5. Facilitate peer feedback sessions
6. Distinguish between mark justification and feedback information when making comments
7.. Focus on comments for improvement rather than corrections
8. Point to models and exemplars of good work
9.Train students to be feedback literate (ie. What feedback is and how they can make it work)

Slide 15 - Slide

Peer feedback
Pay attention to:
What went well?
Is the aim SMART? No? Add EBIs. (Even Better If)
Are the SC SMART? No? Add EBIs.
Do all SC show student learning? No? Add suggestions so they do.
Have 3 different C4Us been implemented?
Have they included an activity for peer-feedback and self-assessment?
Have choices been linked to theory?

Slide 16 - Slide

Finalise your ideas for the final assignment FE lesson series for the formative submission (Deadline April 10th at 5pm)
  • Description of your students (CEFR level, age, level of education, students' needs)
  • Description of lesson series assignment and relation to course
  • Aim for lesson series + SC
  • Aim per lesson + SC 
  • A variety of C4U 
  • Description of intended self-assessment and peer feedback

Please refer to the BS announcement for links to Module Guide and Formative Rubric

Catch-up any reading you have missed (you'll need this for the formative submission)

Complete the pre-assignments before next class

Slide 17 - Slide

What did you learn today?

Slide 18 - Open question

Nice work! See you next week.

Slide 19 - Slide