You give a presentation about your internship/work
Assessed by other English teachers.
Duration of presentation 5-10 minutes. Minimum of 5 minutes!! Onbeoordeelbaar als het onder de 5 minuten komt = 1,0
Speaker’s notes are allowed (teveel woorden/zinnen = kans op inleveren spiekbriefje)
You need to be able to answer questions afterwards
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What to expect?
Greet your audience and welcome them to the presentation.
Introduce yourself (name/age/education).
Introduce your topic (your internship/workplace).
Show the audience your table of contents and briefly tell them what you will address.
Table of contents:
Give general information about your company (think of: location, staff, residents/clients).
Provide information about your activities/daily routine and share a personal story.
Recommendation/conclusion (where do you see yourself in 5 years professionally/would you recommend others working there/what have you learned so far and what would you like to learn?) .
Leave room for questions.
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Talk about your job for three minutes.
Preparation time.
Reflect. What did go well? What did not go well? And why?
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Presentation strategies
5 p's.
Preparation .
Keep it simple.
Organize your thoughts on the board.
Use the board or your presentation for notes.
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Overarching word. Example: instead of dog, cat, cow, you can say animals.
Use color, shape, characteristics. Example: If you don’t know the word for “apple,” you can say a round, red or green fruit.
Using synonyms: Synonyms are words that mean the same or nearly the same thing as another word. Using synonyms can help avoid repetition and improve understanding. Example: Instead of using happy you can say joyful, pleased or content.
Using Antonyms. If you do not know how to describe something, describe what it is not. Example: If you don’t know the word for "cold," you could say the opposite of hot.
Provide examples. Example: If you’re explaining "transport," you can give examples like cars, buses, bicycles.
Simplify definitions: Sometimes it's easier to just define the term in simple words. Example: For “innovation,” you can say a new idea or method.
Using context. Giving the context in which a word is used can also help. Example: If you’re describing "bark," you can say the sound a dog makes.
Useful strategies for exam!
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Same activity.
Use tips reflection.
Use strategies.
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Make a diary.
How did I do during this task?
How can I use the strategies and tips in the future?
What did I improve?
What can I improve?
What steps do I have to take to become a better speaker?