Session 2

Element 12 - English as an additional language

T- Level in Education and Early Years 
Session 2 
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MathematicsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

This lesson contains 13 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 90 min

Items in this lesson

Element 12 - English as an additional language

T- Level in Education and Early Years 
Session 2 

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Learning objectives
By the end of the session, all learners will be able to:
Understand communication and social and emotional needs when supporting EAL. 
Explain strategies to support children / young people taught EAL. 
Describe the EYFS 2024 requirements for supporting children with EAL

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Identify one resource
that supports EAL?

Slide 3 - Mind map

Difficulty understanding the curriculum 
Some children and young people may not have the cognitive ability to understand certain vocabulary or technical words due to English not being their first language. This sometimes can affect the way they participate in activities.
One of the ain reasons for this because the child or young person may have started the curriculum in their own language. 
It is imperative to member different countries have different curriculum's and ways of learning. 
This may lead them to being unable to show competence in the curriculum as we know it. 

A really good example is: GCSE English and Maths achieved in a different country is a much lower grade in the UK. They have to do it again.

We have students at CI that this applies to! We have an ESOL department.

This occurs because the language acquisition is effectively codes, all structures of different languages are different.
This could be either simultaneous or sequential.

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Understanding communication needs for children 

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Other barriers we may experience
Difficulty accessing resources
- When children have missing vocabulary, this means that when they are trying to read English they are unable to make means. 
this can make studying very difficult and fustrating for them, they may not know how to use resources correctly. For example: doing research can be difficult for them.
Difficult responding to questions. 
Children and young people may find it difficult to respond to questions. 
They may not be able to comprehend what you are asking them. 
In early years this could be a simple instruction. 
"Lets put of jackets on"
Unequal proficiency 
This is very common for children and young people who may portray strengths and weakness in English. 
They may be able to talk and understand well but may not be able to read or write. This is because reading and writing styles vary in different countries, some countries they read right to left.

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The EYFS 2024 
In the EYFS 2024 it is created of 4 different themes, which categorically summarize everything we have been learning about (Element 1 - 12).
Theme 1 - Unique child 
Theme 2 - Enabling environment 
Theme 3 - positive relationships 
Theme 4 - Learning and development

The principles of good practice for children learning English are the principles of good practice for all children. 
Effective practitioners include all children by meeting their needs. However, the skills, knowledge and understanding of children learning English as an additional language (EAL) are often underestimated.

This makes it more likely that they will be vulnerable to poor Foundation Stage Profile outcomes and some
may find it more difficult to achieve the Every Child Matters outcomes than others.

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The impact on social and emotional development
  • Early language use plays a crucial role in social development by facilitating communication and building relationships.
  • From the moment a baby is born, they begin to learn language through interactions with their caregivers.
  •  As they develop their language skills, they are able to communicate their needs and desires more effectively, leading to a greater sense of agency and control over their environment. 
  • This in turn can boost their confidence and self-esteem, which are important factors in social development.
  • Language also allows children to connect with others and form meaningful relationships.

Facing discrimination 
Negative attitudes towards race
Feeling isolated from peers
Not feeling included or confident
Minimal emotional support from their next of kin as they also may face a language barrier. simple homework tasks can be a challenge!

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What strategies may we use to support / 
teach children with EAL?

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Strategies educators can use?
Peer and group support. 
When a child has a 'buddy' who acts as a mentor to them.
Ensuring the curriculum is adapted to be more visual. 
During the silent / receptive period, visual resources are great for children with EAL. This helps children develop meaning. 
Providing reasonable opportunities to discuss and talk before they start to write. This is often use with the children who are in key stage 1. 
although this is strategy used to support children with EAL, this can be adopted as a whole group strategy. 
Drama & role play with resources
Creating a language rich environment. 
  • Talking to children
  • Asking questions 
  • Linking pictures and words 
  • Non - verbal interaction. 
  • Using prompts
Scaffolding all children to their abilities. 
Providing the correct resources
Working in partnership with professionals and parents.
Celebrating cultures

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Using specialist support 
  • Translators and interpreters - Some Early years settings and schools may have access to the use of a translator. This can help children and young people with EAL on a 1 - 1 basis. Translators are accessible electronically as well. 
  • EAL teachers or tutors - Teachers and tutors may work directly with the child or young person or they may provide support and guidance. 
  • Bilingual support: some educational facilities have someone who speaks the same language as the child who has just started with them. They may utilise this as a resource to support the child. 

It is important to remember specialist support is external, but support internally should be a priority too.

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Practice exam style question & revision task
Practice exam question / Link to core paper B. (June)
Safia, aged 3 years, has recently moved to the UK from France with her family. Safia enjoyed attending a nursery in France. Safia understands and speaks very little English.
The practitioners in Safia’s new nursery setting are using a range of strategies to support Safia’s acquisition of English as an additional language (EAL).

11 (a) - Identify two factors that could affect Safia’s acquisition of English as an additional language. [2 marks]

11 (b) - Identify two ways that Safia’s culture can be celebrated in the nursery and explain how each way supports her acquisition of English as an additional language. [4 marks]
Utilise this time to create revision resources for any element this is required for. 
Element 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

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Please answer these in your notebook.
Safia, aged 3 years, has recently moved to the UK from France with her family. Safia enjoyed attending a nursery in France. Safia understands and speaks very little English.
The practitioners in Safia’s new nursery setting are using a range of strategies to support Safia’s acquisition of English as an additional language (EAL).
Identify two factors that could affect Safia’s acquisition of English as an additional language.
[2 marks]
Identify two ways that Safia’s culture can be celebrated in the nursery and explain how each way supports her acquisition of English as an additional language.
[4 marks]
The Early Years Practitioners label the storage boxes on the classroom shelves to show the picture and name of the activity the boxes contain. The practitioners also use songs and rhymes to scaffold learning and support Safia’s acquisition of English as an additional language.
Explain why the Early Years Practitioners use each of the following as a strategy to support Safia’s acquisition of English as an additional language.
i) labels showing pictures and words on storage boxes
ii) songs and rhymes to scaffold learning.
[6 marks]

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