P3W5: Unit 3 lesson 5 Writing (have to, must, should)

Welcome ML2C
Binnen is beginnen so grab your workbook and start working.

Grote ronde
Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.
1 / 17
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 17 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome ML2C
Binnen is beginnen so grab your workbook and start working.

Grote ronde
Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 1 - Slide

Let's start reading!
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 5: do exercises 3 - 6

In stilte werken & observeren

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 2 - Slide

Must + infinitive for rules or necessities (noodzaak)
You must go to school every day.
Elise must prepare her lessons.

Mustn't + infinitive if you want to say ''don't do this''
My mom must not make breakfast because she's a bad cook.

Slide 3 - Slide

Should + infinitive for advice
You should listen to your teacher.
Elise should make more Kahoots

Shouldn't + infinitive for advice
You shouldn't go to that school, the teachers are mean. 
Elise shouldn't talk too much because that's boring.

Slide 4 - Slide

Have/don't have to &
has/doesn't have to
have/has to + infinitive for laws (wetten) & obligation
Luuk has to carry his ID card.
Sam and Tim have to go home.

don't have to/doesn't have for when something isn't needed
Students don't have to get permission to use their laptop.

Slide 5 - Slide

You ... (zijn) good at Spanish if you want to be an Spanish teacher.
should be
must be
shouldn't be
mustn't be

Slide 6 - Quiz

I want to be an actor. ... (ik, verlaten) school and go to Hollywood now?
Should i go
Should I leave
Must i go
Must I leave

Slide 7 - Quiz

You ... (niet gebruiken) your phone in Ms. Wildeman's class.
should use
must use
shouldn't use
mustn't use

Slide 8 - Quiz

Elise ... (op tijd komen) so that the lesson can start.
should be on time
must be on time
shouldn't be on time
mustn't be on time

Slide 9 - Quiz

I'm scared of heights. ... (ik, gaan)
hiking with the class this weekend?
should i go
shouldn't i go
Should I go
Shouldn't I go

Slide 10 - Quiz

Yes, but ... (jij, vertellen) the teacher.
you should tell
you must tell
you shouldn't tell
you mustn't tell

Slide 11 - Quiz

Work, work, work
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 5: do exercises 3 - 6

Samenwerken en kleine ronde

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.
Grammar recap: Past Simple vs. Present Perfect (3.2 + 4.2)
Wanneer gebruik je de Present Perfect?
- Iets is in het verleden begonnen en is nu nog bezig.
- Iets is in het verleden gebeurd en daar zie je nu het resultaat nog van.
- Iets is zojuist gebeurd.

I have lived in Amersfoort for a couple years now. Has she worked at MLGM since its beginning? Vera and Koen have already started the project.

Wanneer gebruik je de Past Simple?
- Iets is in het verleden begonnen en geëindigd. 
LET OP! bij vragen en ontkenningen gebruik je hulpwerkwoord DID.

My sister drank coffee this morning. My mom visited my grandpa earlier today. Max and his friends didn't finish the test on time. Did you bring your workbook? 

exercises one, two & three

Slide 12 - Slide

Finishing up
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 5: do exercises 3 - 6

Fluistertoon & aftekenen

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.
Grammar recap: Past Simple vs. Present Perfect (3.2 + 4.2)
Wanneer gebruik je de Present Perfect?
- Iets is in het verleden begonnen en is nu nog bezig.
- Iets is in het verleden gebeurd en daar zie je nu het resultaat nog van.
- Iets is zojuist gebeurd.

I have lived in Amersfoort for a couple years now. Has she worked at MLGM since its beginning? Vera and Koen have already started the project.

Wanneer gebruik je de Past Simple?
- Iets is in het verleden begonnen en geëindigd. 
LET OP! bij vragen en ontkenningen gebruik je hulpwerkwoord DID.

My sister drank coffee this morning. My mom visited my grandpa earlier today. Max and his friends didn't finish the test on time. Did you bring your workbook? 

exercises one, two & three

Slide 13 - Slide

Welcome ML2C
Binnen is beginnen so grab your workbook and start working.

Grote ronde
Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 14 - Slide

Let's start reading!
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 5: do exercises 3 - 6

In stilte werken & observeren

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 15 - Slide

Work, work, work
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 5: do exercises 3 - 6

Samenwerken en kleine ronde

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.
Grammar recap: Past Simple vs. Present Perfect (3.2 + 4.2)
Wanneer gebruik je de Present Perfect?
- Iets is in het verleden begonnen en is nu nog bezig.
- Iets is in het verleden gebeurd en daar zie je nu het resultaat nog van.
- Iets is zojuist gebeurd.

I have lived in Amersfoort for a couple years now. Has she worked at MLGM since its beginning? Vera and Koen have already started the project.

Wanneer gebruik je de Past Simple?
- Iets is in het verleden begonnen en geëindigd. 
LET OP! bij vragen en ontkenningen gebruik je hulpwerkwoord DID.

My sister drank coffee this morning. My mom visited my grandpa earlier today. Max and his friends didn't finish the test on time. Did you bring your workbook? 

Slide 16 - Slide

Finishing up
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 5: do exercises 3 - 6

Fluistertoon & aftekenen

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.
Grammar recap: Past Simple vs. Present Perfect (3.2 + 4.2)
Wanneer gebruik je de Present Perfect?
- Iets is in het verleden begonnen en is nu nog bezig.
- Iets is in het verleden gebeurd en daar zie je nu het resultaat nog van.
- Iets is zojuist gebeurd.

I have lived in Amersfoort for a couple years now. Has she worked at MLGM since its beginning? Vera and Koen have already started the project.

Wanneer gebruik je de Past Simple?
- Iets is in het verleden begonnen en geëindigd. 
LET OP! bij vragen en ontkenningen gebruik je hulpwerkwoord DID.

My sister drank coffee this morning. My mom visited my grandpa earlier today. Max and his friends didn't finish the test on time. Did you bring your workbook? 

exercises one, two & three

Slide 17 - Slide