Havo 5 - week 36 2020 - lesson 2 and 3

Grammar / Vocabulary / Debating
Today's objectives:

  • Vocabulary review Unit 3  (ex A/B/C)

  • Grammar review ex. B & C (sentences 1-70)

  • Debating: practice/start of exams/groups & submitting 1 topic per person (4 per group)

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 22 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Grammar / Vocabulary / Debating
Today's objectives:

  • Vocabulary review Unit 3  (ex A/B/C)

  • Grammar review ex. B & C (sentences 1-70)

  • Debating: practice/start of exams/groups & submitting 1 topic per person (4 per group)

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Vocabulary - Unit 2 - ex. A/B/C

Ex. A:
1. recipient
2. truants
3. principal
4. grant
5. curriculum

Ex. B:
1. attentive
2. punctual
3. proficient
4. tedious
5. industrious

Ex. C:
1. a school of General Secondary Higher Education
2. principal
3. timetable (UK) / schedule (US)
4. knowledge
5. studies 

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Vocabulary - Unit 3 - ex. A/B/C

Ex. A:
1. inoculated
2. recovering
3. panting
4. vomit
5. neglects

Ex. B:
1. nutritious
2. disabled
3. contagious
4. malignant
5. contaminated

Ex. C:
1. heal
2. sprained
3. fall ill
4. complaint
5. GP

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Ex. B - p. 12 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense underlined
1. Have never seen
2. Have lived here for
3. When did you go
4. Did he catch last night
5 Haven't been for
6. In a decade they will have torn down (future fact finished in a decade = future perfect -> will + have + past participle/3rd f.)
7. (Was ringing) Rang while we were reading (= longer action)
8. How long have you been (started in the past -  up till now & still going on) 
9. Have been  for over (started a month ago and now still going on/still there)
10. He always drinks (fact/habit)
11. We have been friends since
12. Did you sail a long time ago
13. I have just seen
14. Three years ago we bought
15. We have lived since 16. When I was singing (= longer action, alreading going on/she began (= shorter action, interrupts)
17. Did she speak last month 18) hasn't said for 19) Up till now we haven't had 20) always cries/is crying (=irritation) /goes
Ex. C.- p. 13 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense underlined
1. haven't played since
2. has been sitting since (has been + verb + ing -> stresses duration)
3. was sitting (Past continuous -> stresses duration)
4. wrote 
5. haven't sent for over
6. When I was having (= longer action already going on)/heard (interrupts)
7. hasn't finished yet
8. has worked for three weeks now
9. I have already paid 
10. While we were working; it began
11. How long have you been...now?
12. What did you think when you first came here
13. Are you staying at a comfortable hotel (temporary situation) 
14. Have you ever tasted
15. Did you like it when you first ate one 16. Every day he sits; watches (habit)
17. Yesterday I didn't work

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Ex. C.- p. 13 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense are underlinded

17. Yesterday I didn't work
18. was born in Poland in 1867
19.our friend is leaving in 10 minutes (appointment in diary; plane leaves = timetable)
20. I am today
21. saw twenty min. ago
22. usually goes
23. met a year ago
24. learned/learnt when he was
25. was (in the past)
26. brings now (fact/habit)
27. Is there going to be (intention/plan) /Will there be (factual) next Friday (= future)     / is there a meeting (according to programme/timetable - in your agenda).
28. What are you doing (definite appointment in diary) /going to do (intention/plans) this weekend (= future)

Ex. C.- p. 13 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense are underlinded

29. discovered 400 years ago
30. he goes every day
31. I have written since
32. he has been ill for three weeks now
33. Lend me your pen! I have found the answer (result/recent action)
34. he has been ill for three weeks now
35. has just left; he will be back at 3:15 (future fact/at the moment of speaking)
36. I came in at 2:30 so I have been here for
37. How are you, F.? We haven't seen you since
38. A bird builds in spring (fact/something that always happens)
39. We have spoken for over
40. Have you ever been to (also: asking after someone's experience)

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Ex. C.- p. 13/14 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense are underlinded
41. How long have you worked here (started in the past and is still going on)
42. Last month my friend won; we haven't seen him since
43. The train leaves from platform ..... (timetable)
44. How long have you known (
NOTE: in sentence no. 44 this is a direct speech because of he  quotation marks " ..."?
If it is an indirect speech (NO quotation marks): My dad asked me yesterday how long I had known this man = past perfect (had + past participle/3rd form)
45. died after he had been seriously ill (an earlier action in the past - first he had been ill, then he died)
46. After you had gone, I went (an earlier action in the past - first he had left, then I went to sleep)
47.  He would go if he only had the chance - 2nd conditional/not real situation
the main sentences (seperating two sentence parts)
Ex. C.- p. 14 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense are underlinded
47. continued:
NOTE: You can start or finish the sentence with "if":
"If" at the start (before the main clause) -> use a comma to separate the clause from "if" 

"if" after the main clause -> no comma is necessary
check out the  explanation of if-sentences in this lessonup

2nd conditional: 
if-clause = past simple/main clause = would + verb (1st form/infinitive = hele ww.)

48. If I lived, I would sing - 2nd conditional/not real situation

49. She said that she had already seen (had already seen = an earlier action in the past; indirect speech/NO quotation marks)
If it were a direct speech/quotation marks: "I have already seen the Tower"

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Ex. C.- p. 14 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense are underlinded

50. The fire had spread ..., before the firemen arrived. (had + spread = past perfect -> indicates an earlier action in the past:
first the fire had spread, then the firemen arrived)
51. The milkman comes every day at about 1.30. (fact/habit)
52. I heard this not so long ago.
53. Shakespeare died in 1616
54. When will your sister be back (future fact); I am expecting her this evening (future) (you believe that this will take place)
NOTE: if you say: I expect her this evening -> you feel she must do sth./it's her duty to do so)
55. awkward sentence:
Tomorrow is Nigel's birthday (fact/happens every year) OR
Tomorrow Nigel is having/is celebrating his birthday party (party scheduled in his diary/"is having" =  celebrating here)
Ex. C.- p. 14 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense are underlinded
56. We said goodbye only this morning (-> it's finished "nog maar net vanochtend")
57. His aunt generally has a light breakfast at 8. (fact/habit)
58. I spoke ...last summer
59. He has travelled/traveled  since(UK vs US spelling -> UK spelling doubles the "l")
60. where he was born (clearly past ;-)
61. Are you enjoying your dinner? (at this moment; eating right now)
62. When will the new factory be opened? Or is it still a secret?
(asking for a future fact)
63. Where are we going to go this summer? (asking about plans/intentions for the future)
NOTE: if you say "Where are we going this summer?" it implies that things have been already booked. If things still need to be booked/you are talking about plans/intentions : going to go
In this case, "we" implies discussing summer plans/intentions

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Ex. C.- p. 14 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense are underlined

64. Scott was disappointed that A. had reached the South Pole one month earlier (an earlier action in the past: first A. had reached the South Pole, then Scott was disappointed)

65. The clock hasn't struck yet.

66. Frances has been on holiday since he was twelve (an action started in the past and is still going on)

67. I'm very tired and no wonder: I have been working the whole morning(result = very tired, stresses duration - the whole morning -  and result. This is the  Present Perfect Continuous = has/have + been + verb + ing -> stresses a long time/long duration)

68. Can I have another sheet of paper?  I have made so many mistakes (result; recent action that has an effect on the present; when you made the mistakes is not important)

Ex. C.- p. 14 - Mixed tenses - signal words for tense are underlinded

69. Will I ever see my little brother again? (personal prediction - in this case wondering about the future - /opinion about the future)
NOTE: verbs like believe/feel/wonder etc. + will when you talk about the future

70. My husband has just gone out. He won't be back until midnight (future fact)

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Tenses (examples) & Signal words:

Present Simple (I go/she goes)
  • Facts / habits / permanent situations
Signal words: always/usually/never/sometimes etc.

Present Continuous (I am watching; they are watching): 
  •  happening right now (now, look!, listen!) 
  • not permanent/ temporary situation (i.e. He's a cook, but now he's working as a waiter): currently, at the moment 
  • developing situations ("He's getting smarter and smarter!)
  • irritation (always, exclamation marks)

Past Simple (I went/they walked):
  • Action finished in the past & when is mentioned or important
signal words: when, then, ago, last, during that time, in 1990 etc.

Past Continuous (she was walking/they were walking):
  • To indicate a long duration 
  • To indicate that something was already going on before something else (the shorter action = past simple) interrupted.
signal words: while, when

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Tenses (examples) & Signal words:

Present Perfect (I have gone/ she has walked):
  • Unfinished action / no when 
  • Focus on result/recent action (no when)
  • To ask after experience (Have you ever...?)
signal word: so far, since, for, how long, ever, never, always,
up till now, yet, etc.

Present Perfect Continuous (I have been working/ She has been doing this all morning)
 Unfinished action that stresses a long time/long duration (= ing form)
signal words: all the time, all day, the whole morning etc.

Past Perfect (I had gone/she had gone before you came over): 
  • To indicate an earlier action in the past/in relation to another action in the past (the past perfect= earlier action in the past)
signal words: before, after 

Note:often used with indirect speech in the past 
(He noticed that I had already finised my work)

Past Perfect Continuous (I had been working/ She had been doing this all morning before you came over)
Action that happened earlier in the past and that stresses a long time/long duration (= ing form)
signal words: all the time, all day, the whole morning etc.

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Tenses (examples) & Signal words:

Future tenses:
Signal words: any reference to the future: i.e. tomorrow, next week, this Friday, coming Sunday etc.

  • spontaneous decisions or offer at the moment of speaking (will + verb / shall in question with I/we -> "Shall I get that for you?")
  • predictions based on on personal opinion (will + verb) -> often with verbs such as believe/think/feel
  • future facts (i.e. elections/weather -> will + verb)

Present simple:
timetables (stores/public transport/schools/churches etc.) = 

Going to
  • intentions/plans: going to + verb
  • predictions based on evidence (The clouds are dark, it's going to rain)

Present Continuous
Appointment (within a short period of time/week from now)

Future Perfect ( will have + past participle/3rd form)
To indicate that something will have taken place by the time you reach a point in the future

i.e.: In a decade, plastics will have polluted all of the five oceans.

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Present Simple:
Does (he/she/it) + verb -> Does she like eating out?
Do (I/you/we/they) + verb -> Do they like the Pasta Factory?

Past Simple:
Did (all pronouns: I/she/we etc.) -> Did you meet up last night?


Present Continuous:
Am/is/are + verb + ing -> Are you listening to CHOM FM Montreal?

Present Perfect/Past Perfect:
Has/Have + past participle/3rd form -> Has he ever been to the USA? 
Had + past participle/3rd form -> he finished his homework before he went to school?

Negative sentences

Present Simple:
Doesn't (he/she/it) + verb -> She doesn't like eating out
Don't (I/you/we/they) + verb -> They don't like the Pasta Fact.

Past Simple:
Didn't (all pronouns: I/she/we etc.) -> They didn't meet up last niet

Do/Does/Did + not + VERB/HELE WERKWOORD!

Present Continuous:
Am/is/are + not + verb +ing -> I'm not listening to CHOM FM.

Present Perfect/Past Perfect:
Has/Have + not + verb -> He hasn't been to the USA before. 
Had +not + verb -> He hadn't done his homework before het went to school

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Tag Questions
A question added to the sentence, to get the other person to agree with you or to engage in small talk.
  • He likes dancing, doesn't he?
  • He doesn't like dancing, does he?

  • They appear rather friendly, don't they?
  • They don't seem too friendly, do they?

  • You forgot my birthday, didn't you?
  • I didn't  forget, did I?

  • She can help, can't she?
  • You shouldn't be here, should you?

- , + / lexical verb (betekeniswerkwoord/zww),  do/does/did 
+, _ / lexical verb (betekeniswerkwoord/zww), don't/doesn't/didn't
HWW herhaal je (-,+ of +, -)

  • Neither -> to agree with a negative statement (a statement with "not" or "never" in the sentence)

  • So -> to agree with a positive statement

She has never learned how to swim. Neither have I!
He doesn't like milk. Neither do I!
They didn't watch the movie. Neither did we!

She knows how to swim. So do I!
He likes milk. So does she!
They watched the movie. So did we!

- , + / lexical verb (betekeniswerkwoord/zww), do/does/did 
+, _ / lexical verb (betekeniswerkwoord/zww), don't/doesn't/didn't
HWW herhaal je (-,+ of +, -)

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Slide 15 - Link

Link to practice tenses online

The next slide contains a link to practice the tenses online

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  1. Form a group of 4 students (same class)
  2. Come up with 1 debating topic per person - 4 topics per group (your teacher will chose two during the exam)
  3. Submit the names of your group AND your topics by e-mail (a.bottema@csgliudger.nl) this week (week 36)
  4. Start preparing:
  •  Your arguments pro and con 
  • Find plenty of up-to-date information on your topics
  • Use expressions such as I still feel; you have a point etc. (list of expressions in som)
  • Use synonyms 
  • Look up the pronunciation of difficult words you want to use
  • Practice lots and ask for feedback from teacher/classmates

Please note:
If your topics are weak, your teacher will discuss which other topics you could chose

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Suggestions for debating topics

  • The vaccination of all children needs to be mandatory (= the government obliges parents to vaccinate their children)
  • Parents are to blame for child obesity
  • Online education should be integrated in schools
  • Young children should be raised in a gender-neutral way (in order to raise boys and girls equally)
  • Everyone should become a vegetarian in order to curb the CO2 emission
  • Dutch students should receive government grants to study (grant = money that is given/doesn't need to be repaid)
  • The legal drinking age should be lowered to the age of 16 
  • Smokers should be banned from healthcare
  • Violent computergames should be banned from stores
  • Healthy food & cooking should be a part of a school's curriculum (the courses that are taught at school)
  • Workfare is mandatory for everyone who receives unemployment benefits ("workfare" refers to government policies whereby individuals must undertake work in return for their benefit payments or risk losing them) 

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Finding more topics to debate

Read The Guardian.com/The NewYorkTimes.com
Watch BBC Newsround
Browse for arguments pro/con on your topic & use key words

Tip: try a few topics during your debating practice and see which ones work best

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Homework next class (wk 37)
Study vocabulary Unit 4 & do exercises A/B/C 
Review/read over vocabulary Units 1-3

Finish ex. C - sentences 71-89 - p. 14 of blue grammar booklet
Start ex. D - sentences 1-7 - p. 15 of blue grammar booklet

Send by e-mai (a.bottema@csgliudger.nl):
Your group (names of the 4 persons) & your 4 topics
Prepare arguments & Practice

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What have you learned today?

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