H5A 14-02-2025

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

Before we start
Laptops closed and coats off, please!

Do you have all your materials with you today? 😊

Is your gum in the bin?

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Lesson Set-Up
Welcome + Attendance
Lesson goals (5 min.) 
/ IotW (5 min.)
/ Dictionary practice:
  • Go to SOM --> Lesson Materials --> Folder: Exam training --> Document: "Dictionary Practice";
  • Do the exercises while using your dictionary.;
  • Done? Check your anwers with the key (see the same folder). (15 min.) (individually / in pairs)
Double think:
/ Keep using double think Orwell style (minus the dictatorship, of course😅) to:
  • Keep thinking like CITO while answering the exam questions of Havo 2021 TV 1. Beat them at their own game!; 
  • Check your answers once you're done. Then, analyse what went well and what needs work. (20 min.) (individually / in pairs)
/ Done? --> Contextual Awareness assignment / Final exam idiom (Quizlet) (? min.)
Good luck prepping for your presentation! 😊

Slide 3 - Slide

Lesson Goals
Explain in your own words:

  • Your + and - when it comes to dictionary use;
  • How successful are you at double think?;
  • How was this experience in general for you?

Slide 4 - Slide

Idiom of the Week (BG info)

Slide 5 - Slide

Idiom of the Week (exercise)

Slide 6 - Slide

Idiom of the Week (answers)

Slide 7 - Slide

Body of the lesson
In the next 40-ish min., we'll focus on the next exercise:

/ In case you need me (? min.)

Individually / Pair work:
/ Dictionary practice:
  • Go to SOM --> Lesson Materials --> Folder: Exam training --> Document: "Dictionary Practice";
  • Do the exercises while using your dictionary.
Double think:
/ Keep using double think Orwell style (minus the dictatorship, of course😅) to:
  • Keep thinking like CITO while answering the exam questions of Havo 2021 TV 1. Beat them at their own game!;
  • Check your answers once you're done. Then, analyse what went well and what needs work. (20 min.) 
 / Done? --> Contextual Awareness assignment / Final exam idiom (Quizlet) (? min.)
Lesson goals:
- Your + and - when it comes to dictionary use;
- How successful are you at double think?;
- How was this experience in general for you?

Slide 8 - Slide

Lesson Goals Check
Explain in your own words:

  • Your + and - when it comes to dictionary use;
  • How successful are you at double think?;
  • How was this experience in general for you?

Slide 9 - Slide

No exchange week = more lessons = bring your exam book and booklets with you (Exam training)

Class dismissed!😊

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