Real Scale
Scale Drawing Measurement cm Measurement multiply by scale Real
cm Real m (divide by 100 – take 2 Zeros)
Real km
(divide by 100,000 – take 5 Zero’s)
1:10 5cm 5 x10 50cm 0.5m
1:200 5cm
1:300 8cm
1: 250 9cm
1: 2000 12cm
1:50000 6.5cm
1:4500 7cm
1:700 5 cm
1:800 16cm
1:6000 9.5cm
1:20000 15cm 15x20000 300,000cm 3Km
1:70000 13cm
10mm in a 1cm
100cm in a 1m
1000m in a KM
Scale: 60000
Scale 1:35000
Real Length –
Real Width –
Real Area –
Real Perimeter –
Scale 1:4000
Length –
Width –
Area –
Perimeter –
Scale 1:20000
Length –
Width –
Area –
Perimeter -
Scale 1:250000
Length –
Width –
Area -
Measure on the paper using a ruler, change to real life and then convert to metres.
Scale 1:300
Patio Length on Scale x Scale = Real Width = m
Patio Width on Scale x Scale = Real Width = m
How many Slabs will you need? Area= Length x Width= m2
How many border tiles? Perimeter = Add all sides of Patio= m
Cost of Slabs £4 per m2 = Area x Cost=
Cost + VAT
Scale 1: 3500 Scale 1:400
Scale 1:100 Scale 1:200
Scale Real Measurement km/m Real Measurement
cm (multiply by 100 for m multiply by 1000 for km) Real Measurement in cm (Real cm divided by scale) Drawing Measurement
1:10 5m cm cm
1:200 100m
1:300 240m
1: 250 22.5m
1: 2000 240m
1:50000 3.25km
1:4500 31.5km
1:700 3500m
1:800 1280km
1:6000 570000m
Draw the bedroom - Scale 1:25
How much Carpet?
How much skirting board?
Carpet is £8 per m2
Skirting board costs £5 per metre
Add furniture to the bedroom – Chair needs to be 1m away from the wall.
Garden is 18m Long. What length is it on the drawing if scale is 1:600
A Yacht is 63m Long. What length is it on the drawing if scale is 1:700
A Field is 72m Long. What length is it on the drawing if scale is 1:800
A Sofa is 4.5m Long. What length is it on the drawing if scale is 1:300
A Lorry is 22.5m. What length is it on the on the drawing if scale is 1:500