3.3 Listening practice + reading strategies part 1

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 29 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

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Our goal today
Listening 5 questions
Main course:
Reading strategies:
scrambled sentences

Dessert -

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First exam
Your first exam CE Reading and Listening B1 will take place on:

May 12th 2025
8.30 - 10.00

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Listening 5 questions

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Listening B1

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What makes the People's Supermarket special, according to Ben Fogle?
It aims to become an important part of our way of life.
It is a supermarket that does not want to make a profit.
It is an initiative that everybody can profit from.

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What does Arthur Potts Dwason say about his work for the People's Supermarket?
He used to be a chef, but always wanted to be a business person.
He was never trained to this kind of work.
This is a temporary job: he is going back to his work as a chef shortly.

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What is said about the interior of the shop?
The refrigerators cost nothing.
The school benches were free.
The shelves were a bargain.

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What is special about The People's Kitchen?
It has a top cook who likes to try new recipes.
It prepares food from products that would otherwise be dumped.
It uses the freshest ingredients to make healthy food.

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Which of these statements about The People's supermarket is true?
The business is expanding outside London.
They work exclusively with people from that part of the city.
Trained people have a greater change of being hired.

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Reading strategies part 1

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A lesson about reading strategies (part 1)

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- scrambled sentences.
- whiteboard + stiften.
- post-its.
Reading strategies
Before reading:
- Voorkennis activeren

During reading:
- Globaal lezen tekst
- Intensief lezen vraag

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Task 1
Read the instructions of the reading text.
Make a wordweb around the topic of the text.

What do you already know about the topic?

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Studenten lezen de instructie van de text: volgende slide.

Task 1:
Woordweb om voorkennis te activeren en woordkennis te vergroten. Woordweb kan digitaal of analoog worden gemaakt. 
Het maken van een analoog woordweb is aan te bevelen omdat studenten het dan makkelijker aan kunnen vullen. (zie task 2)
What do you already know?

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Globaal lezen.
Voorkennis activeren.
Scrambled text!

Task 2
Match the subtitles and paragraphs!

Check in pairs

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Task 2: Gebruik werkblad Scrambled text.

In de kast ligt een uitgeknipte en gelamineerde versie om in de les te gebruiken.

Doel van de opdracht:
Zoekend lezen.
Tekstbegrip en gebruik maken van de kopjes in een tekst.
Correct answers
1. F
2. D
3. E
4. A
5. C
6. G
Conclusion: B

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Meest gemaakte fout is het omwisselen van de:
- inleiding F
- conclusie: B
Task 3

Read the text:
"How to prepare a vegan meal"

Answer the questions about the text


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Skimmen & Scannen.
Studenten lezen de text: 'How to prepare a vegan meal'
Na het lezen vullen ze hun gemaakte woordweb aan met nieuwe woorden.

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Gebruik de highlighter om umami te zoeken.

YES Lees de hele zin.
Paragraph 1 "Tomato paste is very high umami as are olives, olive oil and sun-dried tamatoes",

NO Let op de haakjes.
Paragraph 1 "Add eggless mayo, pickles (high umami), ketchup (high umami) to a meat-free burger".

YES Lees de hele zin.
Paragraph 1 "Toasted seeds and many spices are also high umami and can be used as one pleases.

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A Woordenschat dairy products
Tip 3 "... plenty of plant-based milks and creams too (made from soya, ... oats ... rice ...).

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C Let op synoniemen
Tip 4 "... packets are usually labelled 'vegetarian' but not necessarily 'vegan'.

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C Let op synoniemen
Conclusion "Accept the challenge .."

Correct answers
1. yes / no / yes
2. A
3. C
4. C

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