Project management

Welcome to this digital class on project management, specially tailored for your Changemakers action! This lesson provides futher insight into your project plan. Enjoy!
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Mens & MaatschappijMiddelbare schoolvmbo, mavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 2,3

This lesson contains 25 slide, with interactive quiz, text slide and 3 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome to this digital class on project management, specially tailored for your Changemakers action! This lesson provides futher insight into your project plan. Enjoy!

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Who, what, where?
Okay, let's backtrack for a second. Who are we again, and what are we doing? We are Team Changemakers from the United World College. You're on a social service trajectory with us for a few weeks. During these weeks, we reflect on who you are, what matters to you, and how you can use your skills, knowledge, and character to make the world an even more beautiful place.

We challenge you to become a 'changemaker' too: someone who actively brings about change in our society.

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Where were we?
Before we dive into your project plan, let's check what has stuck with you from the kick-off and workshops. What have you learned since the start of the program? Write down everything that comes to mind. 

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What have you learned so far?

Slide 4 - Mind map

You're all well on your way to becoming a Changemaker! 
All of us here at UWC Netherlands are very proud of what you've come up with. Now, let's zoom in on your project. Grab your workbook and open it to your project plan.

Note: you can only proceed with this lesson if each group has filled in the project plan. 

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During the workshop, you filled in your project plan: a significant and concrete step toward becoming a Changemaker! Now, let's dive into it a bit more. 

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Slide 7 - Video

Three things are important:
1. Goal
2. Tasks
3. Planning

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What is your goal?
Make your goal SMART!

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Slide 10 - Video

Write down your goal (SMART)

Slide 11 - Open question

Goal is clear!
Your goal is clear! But why is this your goal?

Imagine: someone tells you you have to clean the dishes right now. What is your first reaction? Would you do it right away? 

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Goal is clear!
Your goal is clear! But why is this your goal?

Imagine: someone tells you you have to clean the dishes right now. What is your first reaction? Would you do it right away? 
Now imagine... you realize it's necessary because all the glasses are dirty and your friends are coming over for a drink. Does that change things? Probably, right?

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YES! You are clear on your goal!
Knowing why you're doing something and who you are doing it for, helps you get really clear on your goal. Plus, it's great motivation. Win-win!

Check if your goal is clearly - and SMART - stated in your project plan

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Which tasks are associated with your goal?
The goal is set! Now, you can determine which tasks are associated with it. 

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1. What do you need to arrange to achieve your goal?

2. How will you arrange all these things? These are your tasks! 

3. Agree on who will do which task.

Write this down in your workbook!

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Which tasks are now on your task list?

Slide 17 - Open question

YES! You know know your tasks!
Knowing what needs to be done and who is responsible for each task helps you get a good overview. The tasks are divided, so you don't have to do it alone! And if someone doesn't complete their task, you can address it with them. Of course, we're assuming that won't be necessary.

Check if you've written down the tasks correctly in your workbook!

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Creating a schedule!
The goal is set and the tasks are assigned. Now, you can start creating a schedule. Changemaker Ilias shares his tips with you in the next video.

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Let's plan!
Grab a (large) sheet of paper and draw a line on it. On the left, write today's date, and on the right, write the date of the Changemaker Day.

Grab your task list
Count backward from the Changemaker Day to today. When does each task need to be done? Put it on the timeline!

Put it in your agenda and set an alarm!  

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YES! You now have a schedule!
Knowing when you need to do something, helps you to always be on time. What were Ilias's tips again? Make a priority list, start with the less enjoyable tasks, and always overestimate instead of underestimate. 

Double check both your workbook and your agenda to see if you've clearly written down the schedule!

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Nog één tip...
Check regelmatig je planning en takenlijst. Lopen jullie nog goed op schema? Gaan jullie het redden om je doel te behalen? 

Loopt het namelijk niet zoals je zou willen, dan heb je nog ruim de tijd om je plan aan te passen!

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We also work together with great partners and organizations. For this online lesson, we want to thank Young Impact for their collaboration!

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We've come to the end of this lesson. You've truly delved into your project and are another step closer to becoming a Changemaker. Well done! Until next time,
Team Changemakers

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