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English Speaking Exam writing/talking
PTA Speaking test English -----
PTA spreekvaardigheid Engels
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Middelbare school
vmbo b
Leerjaar 4
This lesson contains
12 slides
, with
text slides
Lesson duration is:
50 min
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Items in this lesson
PTA Speaking test English -----
PTA spreekvaardigheid Engels
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Planning for the next couple of weeks.
Practice speaking in pairs using speechcards.
Most common used phrases/sentences you can use.
he rules to the speaking exam.
Write down what you want to talk about. - in English
Talk about it with a classmate. - in English
Oral exam - March 25th
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Learning goals
You'll know the rules to the oral exam
You'll know what you are going to talk about during the oral exam.
You can write down what you want to talk about during the oral exam.
You can talk about it with a classmate and time yourself.
You can use a dictionary to look up words.
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Rules to the oral exam.
Consists of 3 different parts:
Talk about yourself
(hobbies, family, job, friends, sport etc.)
Talk about your plans for the future
(your next education or if you don't have any plans, why not?)
Choose your own subject (
You'll get some examples, but can choose one yourself)
You'll have to be able to talk for
5 minutes
per subject;
You don't know which questions you will get;
I will grade you together with another English teacher;
Don't talk in Dutch, only in English. Use the commonly used phrases if you're stuck.
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Write about yourself
Write everything down that you want to talk about;
Try to write in English;
Use a dictionary;
You'll have 10 minutes
*Finished? Write about your future.
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Talk about yourself to a classmate.
In pairs talk about yourself.
Time yourself (you can use your phone for this)
If you're under 5 minutes, write down extra things about yourself (
5 minutes each (10 minutes total)
*Finished? Continue writing about your future.
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Write about your future
On your own
Write down what you are going to do after school.
Why haven't you decided yet?
10 minutes.
*Finished write about your subject of choice.
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Talk about your future
In pairs talk about yourself.
Time yourself (you can use your phone for this)
If you're under 5 minutes, write down extra things about yourself (homework)
5 minutes each (10 minutes total)
Finished? Continue writing about your subject of choice
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Write about your subject of choice
Write down what you know;
Write in English;
Write down what you want to use as a prop (you don't have to);
This is homework for the next lesson;
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Subject examples
Favourite movie/series ?
Favourite subject(s) at school ?
What you don’t like at school ?
What was the most interesting thing that you have experienced at school ?
Favorite holiday
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What was difficult?
What went great?
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Finish writing:
- Your subject of choice + time yourself to see how long your conversation is.
- If you were under 5 minutes with the two other subjects write down more.
- Next lesson, you'll continue to practice talking in English in pairs.
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