P3W1: Unit 3 lesson 2 Listening (Present Perfect)

Welcome ML2A
Binnen is beginnen so grab your workbook and start working.

Grote ronde
Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 14 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome ML2A
Binnen is beginnen so grab your workbook and start working.

Grote ronde
Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 1 - Slide

Ready, set, go!
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 2: Do exercise 3 - 7 and 10

In stilte werken & observeren

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 2 - Slide

Present Perfect: wat valt je op aan het werkwoord?

Slide 3 - Slide

Present perfect: wanneer gebruik je dit?

Iets is in het verleden begonnen en is nu nog bezig.

Iets is in het verleden gebeurd en daar zie je nu het resultaat nog van.

Iets is zojuist gebeurd.
She has lived in Liverpool all her life.

He has broken his leg.

I have just started teaching.

Slide 4 - Slide

                       Present perfect

        have / has + voltooid deelwoord

Slide 5 - Slide

Wat is dan het voltooid deelwoord?
er zijn 2 verschillende                regelmatige werkwoorden 
                                                   walk --> walked, smile --> smiled
                                                  onregelmatige werkwoorden
                                                  do --> done, see --> seen, know --> known
                                                  Deze moet je uit je hoofdleren (achterin je WB)


Slide 6 - Slide

Present Perfect: examples
Present Perfect: have/has ww+ed or irregular verb

I,you, we, they have taught English at this school for 20 years now.
he, she, it has worked at Albert Heijn since 2015. 

Has Elise been to Los Angles before?
I think she hasn't visited that place yet.

Slide 7 - Slide

Present Perfect: practice
He .... (spelen) at the beach all day.
I ... (werken, niet) very hard.
Helen and Tobias ... (wonen) in Sydney for 7 years.
... she ... (zijn) to Australia before? 

  • Let's do exercise 6 together to see if you understand     the Present Perfect. 

Slide 8 - Slide

Work, work, work
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 2: Do exercise 3 - 7 and 10

Samenwerken en kleine ronde

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 9 - Slide

Finishing up
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 2: Do exercise 3 - 7 and 10

Fluistertoon & aftekenen

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 10 - Slide

Welcome ML2A
Binnen is beginnen so let's look at the reading assignment together.

Grote ronde
Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 11 - Slide

Ready, set, go!
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 2: Do exercise 3 - 7 and 10

In stilte werken & observeren

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 12 - Slide

Work, work, work
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 2: Do exercise 3 - 7 and 10

Samenwerken en kleine ronde

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 13 - Slide

Finishing up
This week's task: unit 3, lesson 2: Do exercise 3 - 7 and 10

Fluistertoon & aftekenen

Question: name on the board & I'll come to you.
Aftekenen: name on the board & I'll call your name.

Slide 14 - Slide