This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 2 videos.
Lesson duration is: 80 min
Items in this lesson
Napoleon (2)
Slide 1 - Slide
Learning goals
I can explain how Napoleon Bonaparte was able to rise to power in France, using at least three important events from his life.
I can describe how Napoleon expanded his empire between 1799 and 1815 and name at least three countries he controlled.
I can explain why Napoleon's attack on Russia in 1812 failed, using at least two key reasons.
I can describe two important changes Napoleon introduced in conquered countries and explain why they were significant.
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For today
Last lesson for the test
Slide 3 - Slide
Imagine you are Naopleon, a powerful military leader. You control most of Europe, but one country refuses to follow your rules. You have a massive army—should you invade Russia? Why or why not?
Slide 4 - Poll
Invading Russia (June 1812):
Option A: Wait and negotiate
Option B: March in with 600,000 troops
Slide 5 - Quiz
The Brutal Retreat (Nov-Dec 1812):
Option A: Maintain formation and retreat carefully
Option B: Rush back to France as fast as possible
Slide 6 - Quiz
Reaching Moscow (Oct 1812)
Option A: Stay and wait for surrender
Option B: Retreat before winter sets in
Slide 7 - Quiz
Russian Scorched Earth Tactic:
Option A: Slow down and secure supplies
Option B: Keep advancing despite food shortages
Slide 8 - Quiz
Slide 9 - Video
Why Did Napoleon's Attack on Russia Fail?
Scorched-Earth Tactic: The Russians destroyed food, villages, and supplies, leaving Napoleon's army with nothing.
Harsh Winter: Napoleon's soldiers were not prepared for the freezing Russian winter.
Long Retreat: With constant Russian attacks, only 30,000 of the original 600,000 soldiers survived.
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Slide 11 - Video
Napoleon’s Changes in Conquered Countries
The Code Napoleon: A new law system that ensured more equality and justice.
Introduced the kilo, litre, and metre, making trade and business more organized.
Civil Registry: Required surnames and population records, helping with taxes and conscription.
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Option 1: Read and mark chapter 5 & make 1-8 of ch. 5.
Option 2: Read and mark chapter 5 & make a summary.
Option 3: Read and mark chapter 5 & make a timeline of ch. 5.
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Classroom refresher
Write down in your notebook what topic(s) you still find difficult.
Slide 14 - Slide
Recap through various activities
You pick one option and work on that for 30 mins.
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Option 1: Kahoot/Quizlet
Create your own practise test online
Make it and do the test with fellow students.
If a larger group wants to do the test.
Let everyone make a question about a chapter or paragraph.
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Option 2: Collaborative learning - Explaining to each other
In pairs or small groups: one student explains a topic, the other asks questions.