H4 unit 2 Expressions

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 17 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

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Today's Lesson
Irregular Verbs (reference book) lie- spend
Vocabulary pg-114-115

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Different Types of Expressions
1. Iets Algemeens aangeven
In general,...........
In general we need to improve our educational system.

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Generally speaking.......

—used to say that a statement describes a general feeling or opinion relating to or affecting all the people or things in a group.
Generally speaking, people like her as a leader.


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On the whole.............
You use on the whole to indicate that what you are saying is true in general but may not be true in every case, or that you are giving a general opinion or summary of something.
'On the whole, I prefer classical music.'

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As a rule...............
As a rule, this maybe true.
Example: ?

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Finish the sentence:
As a rule ...

Slide 7 - Open question

2. Eens zijn/niet eens zijn
I agree with you.
I don't agree with you.
I suppose so, I think you are right.
I completely disagree with you.
I wouldn't say that.
I take a different view.
I don't share your opinion.
Absolutely not

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3. Enthousiasme Uitdrukken/ expressing enthusiasm
1. That's great, amazing, wonderful.....
2. It's great,....
3. It was exciting.....
4. I am really keen on......

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Give a reaction/response: How do you like holidays? Use an expression.

Slide 10 - Open question

4. Gesprek beginnen / Starting a conversation
1.Excuse me, .....
3.My name is ..... pleased to see you.
2.Forgive me for asking but......
4. Lovely day, isn't it?....
5. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening

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Hello, my name is Sheila.

Slide 12 - Open question

Gesprek beeindigen/ ending a conversation
1. I hope you don't mind but ......
2. It's been very interesting talking to you but ......
3. ........I really must be off now
4. ......... I am afraid I need to leave now.
5. Look after yourself/ take care/ see you later/ bye

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Kanttekening maken/ making critical remarks
1. I would like to remark that what you published in your magazine is not true.
2. That maybe so but laughter can't cure everything.
3. On the other hand, they are not very kind people.

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Druk verontwaardiging/ expressing indignation (anger)
1. It's ridiculous/ unbelievable / incredible.....
2. I can't believe/ imagine that he didn't even inform them that he would be absent.
3. I was shocked to read that they had not returned your money yet.

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React: Trump has announced he will add 25% taxes to everything imported from Canada.

Slide 16 - Open question

Irregulary verbs
Reference book Pg-98
Practice on worksheets and hand in at the end of the lesson.

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