Sentences: Simple, Compound, and Complex

Sentences: Simple, Compound, and Complex
1 / 13
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo t, mavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1-4

This lesson contains 13 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 40 min

Items in this lesson

Sentences: Simple, Compound, and Complex

Slide 1 - Slide

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Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson you should be able to understand the differences between simple, compound, and complex sentences and practice identifying and creating them.

Slide 2 - Slide

Introduce the learning objective and let the students know what they will achieve by the end of the lesson.
What do you think is a simple sentence?
Wat denk je dat wordt bedoeld met een 'eenvoudige zin'?

Slide 3 - Mind map

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Simple Sentences
A simple sentence has one independent clause and expresses a complete thought.

One subject and one verb

My grandmother has the flu.

Slide 4 - Slide

Explain what a simple sentence is and provide an example. Ask students to come up with their own simple sentence examples.
Compound Sentences
A compound sentence has two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction.

One or more subjects, two or more verbs.

My grandmother has the flu and lies in bed.

Slide 5 - Slide

Explain what a compound sentence is and provide an example. Have students identify the coordinating conjunction in the example sentence.
Complex Sentences
A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.

Words like because, although, after, when, before, which, that, who, whose connect the sentences.

My grandmother lies in bed because she has the flu.

Slide 6 - Slide

Explain what a complex sentence is and provide an example. Have students identify the dependent clause in the example sentence.
What type of sentence is 'Although she was tired, she stayed up late to finish her homework'?
None of the above

Slide 7 - Quiz

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Create a compound sentence using 'and'.

Slide 8 - Open question

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Create a complex sentence using the dependent clause 'because he was hungry'.

Slide 9 - Open question

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Slide 10 - Slide

Review the key points of the lesson and ask if there are any questions or areas that need further clarification.
Chapter 5
Exercise  54 on pages 93 and 94.
Then do: 37, 38, 39 and 40 (listening exercises) on p. 82 and 83

Slide 11 - Slide

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How helpful was this lesson for you?

Slide 12 - Poll

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What now?
Chapter 6
exercise 30
Test yourself chapter 5 (only vocabulary and grammar)

Slide 13 - Slide

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