part 2 Follow-up discussion based on the visual stimulus
Following the student’s presentation, the teacher initiates a discussion by asking questions about the theme represented by the visual stimulus. These questions should:
• seek clarification or extension of observations made by the student in the presentation
• invite the student to interpret and evaluate ideas presented by the visual stimulus and the teacher
• encourage connections and comparisons with the student’s other cultural experiences
• provide the student with opportunities to demonstrate his or her understanding and appreciation of the target language culture(s)
• encourage the student to engage in authentic conversation to the best of his or her ability.
This section of the individual oral assessment should last 4–5 minutes and should offer the student the
opportunity to demonstrate the ability to engage in authentic discussion on a topic. The teacher should
ask open-ended questions in order to offer the student the opportunity for authentic engagement, thus
facilitating an assessment of the student’s interactive skills.