W2L2 Leesvaardigheid & spreekvaardigheid

Welcome ZM4D! 
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 36 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 70 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome ZM4D! 

Slide 1 - Slide

Slide 2 - Video

Slide 3 - Link

Let's discuss!
  • Why does the singer go back to 505? 
  • "But I crumble completely when you cry." What does this mean?

Slide 4 - Slide

Today's plan?
  • At the end of this class, you will know how to look out for frequently made mistakes in reading. 
  • At the end of this class, you will have practiced for your speaking exam. 

Slide 5 - Slide

What do I expect of you?
  • Try to speak as much English as possible. 
  • Be mindful, respectful & communicate!
  • Be on time: more than 5 minutes = too late. 
  • Raise your hand if you have a question and be silent during explanations of me or a student. 
  • Bags are on the ground, phones in your bags. 
  • No eating in the classroom (gum included), drinking water is allowed. 

Slide 6 - Slide


Slide 7 - Slide

2. Which of the following is tested during the final English exam in May?
Only reading
Reading & Listening
Reading & Writing
Reading, Listening & Writing

Slide 8 - Quiz

3. How long do you have for the final English exam?
2 hours
2,5 hours
3 hours
3,5 hours

Slide 9 - Quiz

4. On average, how many texts are there on the final exam?

Slide 10 - Quiz

5. SE tests are 50% of my final grade for English.

Slide 11 - Quiz

Which types of questions do you find in reading exams?

Slide 12 - Open question

Reading exams
  • always start and end with shorter texts, in the middle you will find the longer ones. 
  • you do not have to work chronologically (op volgorde), you can also start with a text that you find easier because of the topic. This will give you more confidence. 
  •  You have to know the vocabulary to be able to make the texts -> Examenidioom!! 

Slide 13 - Slide

Frequently made mistakes

Slide 14 - Slide

Vraag 8
step 1: underline the citation (alinea 2) and make sure you understand it by looking at the sentences around it. 

Slide 15 - Slide

How do you formulate your answer to a citation question?

"Bradshaw advises...their dog"
"Bradshaw advises...their dog" (alinea 5)
"Bradshaw" (alinea 5)
"Bradshaw advises" (alinea 5)

Slide 16 - Quiz

Juist citeren 
  • Bij Nederlands leer je: eerste 2 woorden en laatste 2 woorden tussen haakjes.
  • Bij Engels altijd in het Engels antwoorden en letterlijk de eerste 2 woorden van de zin overnemen en alinea nummer tussen haakjes. 

Slide 17 - Slide

Vraag 10 
Which steps do we take here?

Slide 18 - Slide

Which steps do we take?
Welke = NIET hoeveel 

Slide 19 - Slide

How do you answer open questions?


Slide 20 - Quiz

Question 7 
1.  neglected buildings and adequate nesting.

2. Mussen werden veel gezien als vervelende dieren. Mussen gingen hun nesten in verwaarloosde gebouwen bouwen en er werden toen van die gebouwen anderen gebouwen gemaakt.

3. minder verwaarloosde huizen en door veel eekhoorns die veel voedsel pakken waardoor er weinig over blijft voor de mussen, heeft de mussen ook doen verdwijnen.
Welke antwoorden krijgen punten? (2 pt totaal)

Slide 21 - Slide

Which answers do you think received at least 1 point?
answer 1
answer 2
answer 3
answer 2 and 3

Slide 22 - Quiz


Slide 23 - Slide

Article Speaking Exam
stap 1: Zoek een artikel dat tussen minimaal 250 woorden is. 
stap 2: Schrijf je mening (100 woorden) hierover in het Engels.
stap 3:  en een samenvatting (150 woorden) in het Engels. 
stap 4: en onderstreep 10 moeilijke woorden met hun betekenis. 
stuur het naar: m.plazier@johandewittscholengroep.nl
pzr via teams 

Slide 24 - Slide

Show what you know

Slide 25 - Slide

Did you make SE1 schrijfvaardigheid at the end of mavo 3?
Yes I have
No I did not

Slide 26 - Poll

Slide 27 - Slide

Slide 28 - Slide

Check your answers

If a 0 is indicated, find the right answer. Reread the questions and the texts to correct your mistakes.  

Slide 29 - Slide

In this picture we see ………
This picture shows ………..
in the middle..../in the centre...
at the top.../at the bottom ...
on the left.../ on the right....
in the top right-hand corner...
in the bottom left-hand corner...
in the background / in the foreground...
Ways to describe a picture

Slide 30 - Slide

Let's team up

  • Work in pairs.
  • Make sure you understand the following questions.
  • Explain your answers.
  • Use proper sentences when speaking. 

Slide 31 - Slide

Describe a photo

Slide 32 - Slide

Describe a photo

Slide 33 - Slide

Read the following questions:
1.  What is your favourite snack at the movies?
2. What is the best sport not to watch but to play?
3. What celebrity would you want to be your best friend?
4. Which name would you choose If you could pick any name?
5. Would you rather have 10 siblings or none?
6. What is the weirdest gift you have ever gotten?
7. What talent would you like to learn someday?
8. What is your biggest goal this year?


Slide 34 - Slide

How did you do?
Were you able to answer the questions correctly?
Absolutely, I could not stop speaking.
I could answer most questions well.
I could answer some questions well.
I need more practice.

Slide 35 - Poll

Nulmeting reading 
If you did not make the nulmeting, you will have to finish this as homework for Wednesday. 
We will check & discuss the questions during that class. 

Slide 36 - Slide