¡A jugar!
Goal: Practice using the simple past tense in Spanish by creating true and false statements about your past vacations,
Write Sentences (5 minutes):
Each group must write 10 sentences related to their past vacations. They should ensure that 5 of these sentences are true and 5 are false. Here are some example sentences:
"Fui a Barcelona con mis hermanos." (Falso, fui con mis padres)
"Comí en un restaurante indio." (Verdadero)
"Me quedé en casa durante las vacaciones." (Falso, fui a la playa)
"Hice senderismo en las montañas con mis amigos." (Falso, hice senderismo en el parque)
"Hice un castillo de arena en la playa." (Verdadero)
Select a Judge:
Once they have finished writing, the group should choose one of the three students to act as the judge. The other two students will compete to guess whether the statements are true or false.
Play the Game (15 minutes):
The player will read one of the sentences aloud to the competitor.
The other competitor must decide if the sentence is "true" or "false."
If the competitor´s guess iscorrect, they earn a point. The judge will keep track and will make sure it is fair
The competitor with the most points will win and compete against the judge.
If the judge loses, they will become one of the competitors, and the one who lost previously will be the new judge.
Finish the Game:
At the end of the 15 minutes, the group should count the points and celebrate the winner.