1. Opening statements —2 minutes
Team One presents their position
• The argument (s) is introduced
• Evidence is submitted to support the argument
Team Two does the same.
Do not react to the other party's statements yet!
2. Main Arguments (speeches)—3 minutes
Team One reintroduces their position
• Secondary arguments are introduced
• More evidence is submitted
The other team's evidence and arguments are rebutted (anticipate!)
Team Two does the same.
3. Rebuttals —3 minutes
Team One rebuttal
• Respond directly to opposing team arguments
• Sum up key points of your team position
Team Two rebuttal—3 minutes
• Respond directly to opposing team arguments
• Sum up key points of your team position
4. Judgment and feedback
Judges or peers evaluate based on criteria like
argument strength, evidence, clarity, and delivery.
Constructive feedback helps participants improve their skills.
Everyone takes a turn in speaking.
Prepare well! Look for convincing arguments and elaborate.
Do not read from a paper while speaking. Use key notes.