Practise for the last (SE Engels) exam

Practise for the last (SE Engels) exam
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 13 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Practise for the last (SE Engels) exam

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Planning of today
  • Learning goals
  • Tekst doelen
  • Reading strategiës 
  • Practise for the test
  • Check learning goals

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Learning goals of this period
  • I can understand simple letters and emails. 
  • I can understand simple advertisements.
  • I can find and understand information from different sources. 
  • I can understand the important facts and information from simple reports or articles.
  • I can understand the main points in simple texts from magazines, newspapers or websites. 

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Reading strategy:
TIP: Keep track of the time.
SKIMMEN: look at the title(s), pictures and lay-out. What do you already know about the subject?
Difficult words: Try to understand difficult words by looking at the context. Read the sentences around the word. Does the word look like a word you already know?
SCANNEN: Scan the text looking for a specific word, number or name. Look for capital letters if applicable.
ELZA: Read the first and last line of the paragraph.
Close reading: read word by word, line by line, to find the answer to the question.
Remember!! The answer is always in the text!

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Important tips
1. Denk aan een woordenboek.
2. Denk aan de verschillende tekstverbanden. 
3. Denk aan signaalwoorden.
4. Denk aan wat voor vraagstellingen er mogelijk zijn.

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Practise exam
We will be working on the exam from 2024, do this seriously because we will be grading and scoring this exam. (This exam is also rather difficult.)

Ben je binnen 10 minuten klaar dan gaat er iets goed mis.

LET OP: Een Engels examen bestaat uit zowel korte als lange teksten. 

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Look at the text but do not read! What do you know? What is it about?

Then read the questions! You might already be able to cross off any wrong answers.

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Get to work
Work the first few minutes in relative silence. Try to do it on your own, You also have to do this during an exam.

After 10 minutes you can work together.

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Learning goals of this period
  • I can understand simple letters and emails. 
  • I can understand simple advertisements.
  • I can find and understand information from different sources. 
  • I can understand the important facts and information from simple reports or articles.
  • I can understand the main points in simple texts from magazines, newspapers or websites. 

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