Assignment 3 Part 2 Revision

Assignment 3 Part 2 Revision

T Level in Education & Early Years 
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This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Assignment 3 Part 2 Revision

T Level in Education & Early Years 

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Learning Objectives 
By the end of the session, all learners will be able to:
Understand how to up skill their response to assignment 3, part 2 question. 
Understand how to correct analyse the 3 observations given to them in the insert. 

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Lets recap the exam requirements.
This exam will take place on Wednesday 7th May 2025. 
It is 2 hours in length. 

You will have access to : EYFS 2024, Development Matters 2023 & Birth to 5 Matters 2021.

Question 1 (a) = is a total of 6 marks. 
Question 1 (b) = is a total of 9 marks 
Q2 = is a total of 20 marks 
Q3 = is a total of 20 marks. 
Total marks = 54

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What went well
  • You identified the 3 observation methods correctly, ensure going forth you do the same. Any observation can be used in your exam. 
  • Some of you were mindful of the observation provided. 
  • Some of you used specific examples from the observations provided. 
What could be improved
  • Make  sure you clearly identify next steps for the children in reference with Early Years curriculum's. 
  • When analysing your responses your must refer to the age and stage of development mentioned in the observations. 
  • Look at the specific details and make sure you are using this information to draw to a conclusion to make a reasoned judgement. 
  • Use command words and key terms when writing your response. 
  • Be mindful not to be descriptive.
  • Consider the importance of partnership working and communication amongst professionals. 

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Example analysis
For this task you will need highlighters and a pen. 
You now spend time analysing, annotating and explaining why this is a distinction standard response to this exam question.
We will then engage in group feedback & collate our ideas, thoughts and opinions.

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Question 1 (a)
Identify and describe the three different methods of observation (provided in the insert) that were used to assess Charlie’s physical development.

You get 1 mark per observation identified correctly (total of 3  marks) 
You get another 1 mark for describing the method correctly (total of 3 marks) 

This can be seen as an easy 6 marks. 
Refer to the example to see how easy these 6 marks can be achieved. 

A written narrative is not a long piece of writing ! 

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Question 1b [9 marks]
Explain the purpose of each of the three methods of observation identified in 1(a) in the assessment of children.

To achieve the full marks for this questions you must clearly explain the purpose of each observation method that has been identified. 

The purpose of a written narrative is .... 
The purpose of a time sample is...... 

You must clearly articulate your answer when responding to this question. 
Use key words to help you construct your response: Milestones, age & stage of development, professionals, practitioners, give examples from the narrative to help support your justifications, reference to additional learning support. 

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Question 2 [20 Marks] 
Analyse each of the three observations to draw conclusions about whether Charlie is meeting the expected milestones in physical development in relation to the current requirements of the early education curriculum.
  • You must make reference to live examples and commentary provided in the observations, use this to justify your analysis. It important you are justifying you responses, this will prevent you from being descriptive. 
  • You must use the important information from the observations to help structure your analysis. 
  • You must be less bias and opinionated, this part of the exam is not based on what you think but is a clearly analysis based of the child's development from the information given to you in the insert.

  • This question should be considered like an assignment. 
You must use the clear details in the observations to determine your analysis. 

Reference to Curriculum standards is imperative. You must use curriculum standards to justify your response. 

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Question 3 [20 Marks] 
Use your analysis of the observations to discuss the next steps for Charlie’s physical development.
Give examples of suitable educational activities or opportunities to support your answer.
[20 marks]

This question is all about next steps for the child identified in the observation, for this reason you must clearly articulate next steps you have considered from the information in the observations. Linking to curriculum again would be a fantastic way to justify your answers as well as considering partnership working with parents , practitioners and other professionals. 

You must then clearly think about educational activities that will help the child develop in a area that has been identified as needing additional support. 

Be clear with what observations are helping you establish next steps.

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Your turn to practice again!
You will be provided 1 hour 30 minutes to complete both of these questions again. 
Use information from your mock to help you up skill your writing. 

(45 Minutes per question)

You need to add more depth, detail and clarity to contextualise your writing.

I have opened a google classroom assignment for you to complete this on. 
You must turn it in :)

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