Chapter 2: Time for school

Time for School
At the end of this chapter you are able to:

- Understand when people talk about school.
- Use words to describe school and use ordinals (rangtelwoorden).
- Talk about time and timetables.
- Make yes/no questions and negative sentences.
- Talk about likes/dislikes.
- Write sentences in the correct word order.

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 47 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Time for School
At the end of this chapter you are able to:

- Understand when people talk about school.
- Use words to describe school and use ordinals (rangtelwoorden).
- Talk about time and timetables.
- Make yes/no questions and negative sentences.
- Talk about likes/dislikes.
- Write sentences in the correct word order.

Slide 1 - Slide

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What English words do you know about school?

Slide 2 - Mind map

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Look at the picture and write down the words you know in the next question.


Slide 3 - Slide

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What words do you know from the previous picture?

Slide 4 - Open question

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Maak de zin vragend:
Her mother is a teacher.

Slide 5 - Open question

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A Watching pg. 94
  • Do ex. 6 before watching. 5 minutes and check.
  • Read the strategy and do 7A + 7B.
  • Watch "My school life" and finish 7B.
  • Do ex. 8 & 9 after watching.
  • Done? Start B Theme words.
    10 min. ZS (zelfstandig in stilte).
  • I can understand a clip about life at school. 

Slide 6 - Slide

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End of class
  • What was the clip about? Any new words you did not know yet?
  • Read through vocabulary A + B in the learning corner for Friday.

Slide 7 - Slide

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  • B Theme words + exercises.
  • Speaking exercise: My favorite school day.

  • At the end of class you are able to use words to describe school and use ordinals. 

Slide 8 - Slide

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B Theme words
  • B Theme words + exercises.
  • Do exercises 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17 in pairs/alone.
    10 minutes.
  • Done? Work on mediafile (reading/roadtrip)

  • At the end of class you are able to use words to describe school and use ordinals. 

Slide 9 - Slide

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  • In pairs: Prepare a conversation about your favorite schoolday.
  • Use chapter 2 - learning corner (vocabulary/stones) for help.
  • Use at least 5 words from the vocabulary list and 2 sentences from the stones.
  • 10 minutes to prepare: Write it down!
  • After 10 minutes I want to hear a few examples. 

Slide 10 - Slide

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End of class
  • Let's hear a few examples!
  • Did you improve your speaking skills during class? Tell me why/why not.
  • HW: Finish B theme words. 

Slide 11 - Slide

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  • Mediafiles inleveren! (last chance period 1)
  • C Reading + exercises.

  • I can understand a text about pupils and sleep.

Slide 12 - Slide

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C Reading pg. 100
  • Do ex. 18 before reading + read strategy (ex. 19) -> check after 3 minutes.
  • Read text together.
  • Do ex. 19, 20, 21 & 22 after reading. 10 min. ZS.
  • Done? Work on mediafile or countries & cultures chapter 2.

Slide 13 - Slide

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End of class
  • A two sentence summary (samenvatting) of the text in pairs.
  • HW: Finish C Reading + read through vocabulary A, B & C.

  • See you Friday! 

Slide 14 - Slide

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  • Recap: Kahoot vocabulary A, B & C.
  • D Speaking & Stones; speaking exercises.

  • At the end of class I can talk about the time, timetables and school subjects.

Slide 15 - Slide

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End of class
  • Enter lessonup in your pair to spin the wheel and see who is giving us an example of their assignments!
  • 24, 25, 27 & 28.
  • Mission accomplished? "I can talk about the time, timetables and school subjects."

Slide 16 - Slide

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  • E Writing & Grammar: Questions and negations (vragen en ontkenningen).
  • Work on roadtrip assignment if time left.

  • At the end of class I can write yes/no questions and negative sentences. 

Slide 17 - Slide

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E Writing & Grammar
  • Do ex. 30 (pg. 108) together first.
  •  Watch video "Questions: yes/no questions".
  • Do ex. 31, 32 in pairs or alone. Done? Do ex. 33A.

  • Watch video "Negative sentences".
  • Do ex. 34 & 35.
  • Check at the end of class!

Slide 18 - Slide

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Wat is de EERSTE stap die je doet wanneer je yes/no questions moet maken?
Je zoekt naar een eenhoorn.
De docent lief aankijken zodat zij het antwoord gaat geven.
Je kijkt of het werkwoord to be, can of have got in de zin staat.
Je geeft gewoon op, want het is te moeilijk.

Slide 19 - Quiz

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ALS het werkwoord to be, can of have got in de zin staat, waar zet je deze dan neer in een yes/no question?
Aan het begin van de vraag.
Aan het einde van de vraag.
Je mag zelf een leuke plek verzinnen.

Slide 20 - Quiz

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Which words do you use to make yes/no questions?

Slide 21 - Quiz

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Write your own yes/no question.

Slide 22 - Open question

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Er zijn twee manieren om ontkenningen te maken in het Engels

Slide 23 - Quiz

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Make negative sentences!
Mandy ..........................................
her room on Thursday. (not/to tidy up)
don't tidy
doesn't tidy
not tidy
hasn't tidy

Slide 24 - Quiz

-Tegenwoordige tijd.
-Er staat maar 1 werkwoord in de zin (tidy), dus heb je een hulpwerkwoord nodig: DO of DOES.
-Mandy is SHIT, dus DOES + NOT = doesn't
Make a good negative sentences.
My little brother plays with his toys.
Does my little brother play with his toys?
Does my little brother plays with his toys?
My little brother doesn’t play with his toys.
My little brother don’t play with his toys.

Slide 25 - Quiz

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Write your own negative sentence (ontkenning met not/n't)

Slide 26 - Open question

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End of class
  • Vragen? Voor vrijdag: Lees door grammar 4 + 5 en bedenk een hulpvraag die je kan helpen het te begrijpen.

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D Speaking & Stones pg. 104
  • In pairs, work on exercises: 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 & 28 (29 is optional). Fill in the evaluation when finished! (ex. 29b).
  • After 10 minutes I want to hear some examples, so write down your answers if needed!

  • I can talk about the time, timetables and school subjects. 

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  • VTO Group 5: Tygo, Stefan, Sterre, Devin & Lenthe.
  • G Reading + exercises.
  • Grammar: Questions & negative sentences.

  • I know how to make questions/negative sentences and can understand a text about studying and music.

Slide 29 - Slide

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G Reading
  • Ex. 44 before reading (5 min.)
  • Read strategy together & do ex. 44.
  • Do ex. 46, 47 & 48 after reading.
  • Done? Finish exercises E Writing & Grammar and study grammar 4 & 5 and/or practise reading online.

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End of class
  • Schrijf je antwoord op de volgende vragen op:
    1: Welke twee manieren zijn er om vragen te maken in het Engels? 
    2: Welke twee manieren zijn er om ontkenningen te maken in het Engels?
    3: Maak een eigen vraag + ontkenning als voorbeeld.
  • Morgen leestoets!

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Today (wo 30-11)
  • Recap chapter 2 untill F.
  • G Reading + exercises. 

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G Reading

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End of class

Slide 34 - Slide

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  • Worksheet Stones Chapter 2
  • Extra oefening grammar: Vragen en ontkenningen maken.

  • I can talk about school, subjects and time(tables), likes and dislikes. 
  • I know how to make questions and negations in English.

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To do
  • Worksheet: Samen de Stones lezen/doornemen. 
  • In tweetallen de opdrachten maken. 
    Klaar? Door met het volgende: 
  • Grammatica extra oefenen met worksheet. Bewaar deze zodat je hem kunt leren voor de toets.
  • Gezamenlijk nakijken en eventuele vragen stellen.


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End of class
  • Mission accomplished? Zijn de onderdelen van vandaag duidelijker?
  • Toets = na de vakantie pas (11 januari)
  • HW Wednesday: Leer de grammatica (vragen/ontkenningen) en lees door grammar "word order". 

Slide 37 - Slide

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  • I Writing & Grammar: Word order.
  • LessonUp on word order + exercises Stepping Stones.

  • At the end of class I can write English sentences in the correct word order. 

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Word order
  • Basis woordvolgorde is te onthouden aan dit ezelsbruggetje

  • Wie - doet - wat - waar - wanneer?
  • We - have - a - test - in class - on Friday.

  • Work on ex. 56, 57, 58 & 59 after LessonUp.


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End of class
  • Stel jezelf de vraag: Lukt het mij om zinnen in de goede volgorde te schrijven na deze les?
  • We gaan dit nog herhalen, net als vragen/ontkenningen maken.
  • HW Friday: Study grammar chapter 2 en kijk of je nog vragen hebt.
  • Toets = na de vakantie! 

Slide 40 - Slide

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  • Final English class before Christmas break.. So:
  • Christmas Reading: Christmas in England.
  • Christmas around the world; Kahoot.

  • At the end of class I know how Christmas in celebrated in different countries.

Slide 41 - Slide

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  • Recap chapter 2: Time for school.
  • Time to ask questions and start Slim Stampen online.

  • At the end of class I am prepared for the test tomorrow and reach the mission of this chapter. 

Slide 42 - Slide

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  • I know words to describe school, time and ordinals (telwoorden). 
  • Op de toets ga je vertalen en het juiste woord kiezen in een zin.

Slide 43 - Slide

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Slide 44 - Quiz

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  • I can talk about the time and timetables. 
  • I can talk about likes and dislikes.

  • Op de toets ga je zelf een aantal zinnen samenstellen. 

Slide 45 - Slide

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Slide 46 - Open question

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  • I can make yes/no questions (vragen).
  • I can make a negative sentence (ontkenning).
  • I can write an English sentence in the correct word order.

  •  Op de toets ga je de juiste woorden invullen om een kloppende vraag of ontkenning te maken.
  • Je gaat zinnen samenstellen in de juiste woordvolgorde.

Slide 47 - Slide

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