Lesmoment 5 Mavo 3 L 3B


Welkom allemaal!
On table: Only Paper & Pen
1 / 26
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 26 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 40 min

Items in this lesson


Welkom allemaal!
On table: Only Paper & Pen

Slide 1 - Slide

Welcome to English class! 
  • E Writing & Grammar 
  • Prepositions of time & place
  • Future tense
  • Going to & Will
  • Present Continuous
  • Present Simple
  • Complete exercises from the workbook

Slide 2 - Slide

Lesson goals 
At the end of this lesson...
  • ... I have learned the Prepositions of time & place
  • ... I have learned the future tense
  • ... I understand the present Simple, Continuous, going to & Will
  • ... I have completed exercises from the workbook.

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Prepositions zijn voorzetsels. (Kastwoorden)
Prepositions of time
(Wanneer iets gebeurd) 
Prepositions of place
(Waar iets gebeurd)

Slide 5 - Slide

Prepositions of time
- Geeft aan wanneer iets gebeurd
In: maanden, jaren, seizoenen en specifieke delen van de dag
I woke up in the afternoon
on: dagen van de week, maand en datums, ook speciale dag
I have a game on Saturday
At: tijden en feestdagen
I saw my aunt at Christmas

Slide 6 - Slide

Prepositions of time

 I have a meeting in June. (Maand)

The concert is on Friday night.(dag)

Let's meet at 8o'clock for the movie. (Tijd)

Slide 7 - Slide

Slide 8 - Slide

Prepositions of place
- Geeft aan waar iets gebeurd
In: plekken in de natuur, landen en als iets ergens in is
He took photos in the museum
On: openbaar vervoer en iets ligt ergens bovenop
My phone is on the table
At: specifeke locaties, huisnummers en (namen van) gebouwen
I am at the station

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Prepositions of place

She loves to hike in the mountains. (natuur)

He left his book on the bus. (vervoer)

We agreed to meet at the café on Main Street. (specifiek)

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Future Tense

De toekomende tijd is een grammaticale tijd die wordt gebruikt om acties of gebeurtenissen te beschrijven die in de toekomst zullen plaatsvinden. 

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Slide

Future Will
Will wordt vaak gebruikt voor voorspellingen, intenties, beloften of spontane beslissingen. 

I will visit my grandparents next weekend.
- "next weekend" is een tijdsbepaling die aangeeft wanneer de actie zal plaatsvinden (toekomst).

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Will + hele WW

1. Voorspellingen: I think it will rain tomorrow.
2. Beloften: I will always love you.
3. Intenties: I will study harder for the exam.
4. Aanbiedingen: I will help you with your homework.
5. Spontane beslissingen: Oh no, I forgot my umbrella! I will borrow yours."

Will + ww

Slide 14 - Slide

Future Going to
Going to wordt  om toekomstige intenties, plannen, voorspellingen of verwachtingen uit te drukken. 

I am going to buy a new car next month.

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Am/are/is+ Going to+ WW
1. Plannen: I am going to study abroad next year.
2. Voorspellingen(bewijs): Look at those dark clouds. It is going to rain.
3. Intenties: She is going to start her own business.
4. Acties waarvan plannen zijn: We are going to have dinner at that new restaurant tonight.

Am/ is/ are + going to + ww

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Future Continuous
Future Continuous, actie of gebeurtenis, zal plaatsvinden op een specifiek moment en bezig zal zijn.  Plan, voorspellingen of wat er naar verwachting zal gebeuren

I will be watching a movie at 8 PM tonight.

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Future continuous
Will + be + ww + ing

I will be studying all night for my exam tomorrow.
They will be traveling to Paris next week.
 She will be working at the restaurant during the evening shift.
Will + be + ww + ing

Slide 18 - Slide

Present Continuous future

Present continuous future: toekomstige gebeurtenissen uit te drukken die al gepland of geregeld zijn.

I am meeting my friend for lunch tomorrow.

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Present Continuous future
Am/ is/ are + ww + ing
I am having dinner with my family tomorrow evening.
She is flying to Paris next week for a business meeting.
They are attending a concert on Saturday night.
 He is taking his driving test next month.

Am/ is/ are + ww + ing

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Present simple future
Present simple future: gewoonten, feiten of vaste schema. 

The bus arrives at 7 AM tomorrow.

om aan te geven dat de aankomst van de bus gepland is voor 7 uur morgenochtend

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Present simple Future
The train departs at 9 AM tomorrow.
She starts at 7 PM tonight.
They leave at noon next Friday.
The store opens at 10 AM tomorrow.
Shit regel -> +S

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Welke vorm van Future?
Signaal woorden.

This time tomorrow,
she will be giving a presentation
I am going to buy a new car next week. 
The concert starts at 7 PM tomorrow evening. 
They will probably win the championship this year. 
  We are having dinner at Sarah's place tonight. 

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  • This time tomorrow, she will be giving a presentation. (Future continuous)
  • I am going to buy a new car next week. (Going to)
  • The concert starts at 7 PM tomorrow evening. (Present simple future)
  • They will probably win the championship this year. (Will)
  • We are having dinner at Sarah's place tonight. (Present continuous future)

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En nu zelf aan de slag!
Complete exercises from the workbook
Exercise 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

SlimStampen Grammar 7 & 8

Slide 25 - Slide

Lesdoel behaald?
Schrijf alle soorten Future Tense op + vorm:

Slide 26 - Slide