introductie van jezelf (hobby's, bijbaantje, etc.)
Aan het begin van de toets begin je met jezelf voor te stellen. Dit doe je om de beurt. Nadat jullie beiden aan de beurt zijn geweest, ga je verder met het praten over 1 van de 8 onderwerpen (zie volgende slide)
Slide 3 - Slide
Gezamenlijke deel
ongeveer 5 minuten (totaal)
kies een van de 8 onderwerpen uit
The everyday, social items you have to talk about, have been dealt with in the English lessons in the previous school years.
Slide 4 - Slide
Gezamenlijke deel
Lijst van onderwerpen:
films and television
travel and recreation
the press and media
crime and punishment
growing up
Slide 5 - Slide
Gezamenlijke deel; voorbereiding
1. Kies een duo, geef deze door aan je docent.
2. Kijk naar de onderwerpen!
3. Kies er 1 en werk het uit.
Let op: Je mag alleen STEEKWOORDEN meenemen!!
Heel veel succes.
Slide 6 - Slide
Practice makes perfect!
Kijk per onderdeel goed of je makkelijk antwoord kan geven op de vragen. Kies vervolgens een onderwerp.
Slide 7 - Slide
Practice makes perfect.
Films and television
Slide 8 - Slide
Practice makes perfect.
Travel and recreation
Slide 9 - Slide
Practice makes perfect.
The press and the media
Slide 10 - Slide
Practice makes perfect.
Slide 11 - Slide
Practice makes perfect.
Slide 12 - Slide
Practice makes perfect.
Slide 13 - Slide
Practice makes perfect.
Crime and punishment
Slide 14 - Slide
Questions to "Crime and Punishment"
In big cities such as Amsterdam or Rotterdam there’s a lot of crime in the streets. That’s the reason why more policemen should be working in the streets. Do you think this measure would make crime decrease?
In your opinion what factors cause crime in the streets? Do immigrants have to do with the increase of crime in your country?
In Europe we don’t have death penalty any more as a punishment but it still exists in developed countries; for instance the United States. Do you think death penalty helps solve problem of crime? Is it a good punishment for criminals to learn? Can that prevent future criminal acts?
Prisons are supposed to make criminals learn from their former mistakes. They learn how to live in a civilized society. Discuss the statement and say if prisons are working in the way they are supposed to do.
In the prisons criminals learn a job so that later on they can have a job and live comfortably as anybody else. Is it fair to give them a second chance to live in our society peacefully?, What is the worst criminal act for you?