Lesson 1 Week 26

Today's plan 
  • short evaluation of the year (5 min.)
  • working on your PWS (30 min.)
  • Take a look at your tests (10 min.) 
1 / 11
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 11 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Today's plan 
  • short evaluation of the year (5 min.)
  • working on your PWS (30 min.)
  • Take a look at your tests (10 min.) 

Slide 1 - Slide

evaluatie van de lessen

Slide 2 - Slide

Do you already know which school subject you want to write your PWS about?

Slide 3 - Quiz

Do you already know which specific topic you would like to research?

Slide 4 - Quiz

I already know who I am going to write my PWS with

Slide 5 - Quiz

My biggest problem while working on my PWS will be......
starting too late.
having trouble choosing the right subject.
getting lost in an internet spiral
having trouble formulating the right research question
I won't have any problems at all, I am a born writer/researcher.
something completely different.

Slide 6 - Poll

Where can you find inspiration for your research topic?

Slide 7 - Open question

Slide 8 - Slide

  • Start by looking at sources. Let your research be guided by the sources instead of coming up with an idea and realising that there are no sources to back up your research question. 
  •  Make sure to find a topic that is suited to your interests, you'll have to work a lot on this project. Maybe you can connect it to your future carreer plans?
  • Ask yourself multiple times whether your research will be doable. 
  • https://www.ru.nl/pucsociety/scholieren/profielwerkstuk/onderwerpen-profielwerkstuk-thema/

Slide 9 - Slide

  • ga bezig met de oriënterende fase van je PWS, gebruik de websites die ik net aangaf
  • Je mag in de mediatheek, maar ik wil wel dat je terugkomt voor het laatste deel van de les. 
  • Je mag overleggen met je buurman/buurvrouw
  • Geen flauw idee wat je moet doen? Stel mij vragen, ik kan je vast op weg helpen met ideeën. Voor zowel Engels/ Geschiedenis/Maatschappijleer. 

Slide 10 - Slide

Wonderful (niet: wonderfulL) 
Useful (niet: usefulL)
Disappointed (niet: dissapointed)
There / their (niet: they’re)
TAAL 8pt (woordgebruik/spelling/grammatica/zinsbouw)
( -1 per missend onderdeel)
INTERPUNCTIE 1pt (alinea's / hoofdletters/samengetrokken vormen/formeel taalgebruik) 
CONVENTIES 2pt :( (-1 per missend deel)
EXTRA 2pt 
(15pt maximaal; 1pt = 0,6)

Slide 11 - Slide