After today you can summarise chapter 10 and part of 11 of the boy in the striped pyjamas.
After today you can use the future perfect and the future continuous correctly (A2).
Reading the boy in the striped pyjamas chapter 11.
Working on the exercises yourself.
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They boy in the striped pyjamas
How do you think mother and father feel about the visit from the fury?
Why is this evening very important for father's career?
How would you describe Eva Braun based on this chapter?
What are mother and father arguing about at the end of the chapter?
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Begin op 5.55
Your own ideas.
During this evening the fury probably decides whether father is going to get sent to Out-With.
Your own ideas.
They are arguing about moving away from Berlin. Mother does not want to.
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They boy in the striped pyjamas
How do you think mother and father feel about the visit from the fury?
Why is this evening very important for father's career?
How would you describe Eva Braun based on this chapter?
What are mother and father arguing about at the end of the chapter?
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Begin op 5.55
Your own ideas.
During this evening the fury probably decides whether father is going to get sent to Out-With.
Your own ideas.
They are arguing about moving away from Berlin. Mother does not want to.
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Making predictions
By 2050, robots will have replaced doctors.
Will laptops have replaced books fully by the time I graduate?
Future perfect: talk about something which will be completed before a specific time in the future.
Always "will + have + past participle (voltooid deelwoord)".
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Uitgelegd vorige les. Kort herhalen; wat was het ook alweer?
Neem de tijdlijn op de volgende slide door. En vraag ze de voorbeeldvraag in te vullen.
Can you now?
By 2100, artificial meat ______________________ all meat from animals. (to replace)
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Making predictions
By 2100, artificial meat will have replaced all meat from animals.
The company will be developing a new drug for Alzheimer's.
I will be watching the show at 8 o'clock.
What will he be studying at university?
We won't be taking the bus to school this time next week.
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Making predictions
Future continuous:
For an event which will take place for a longer period of time.
The company will be developing a new drug for Alzheimer's.
What will you be studying at university?
An event planned in the future which will be going on at a very specific time.
I will be going to the party on tuesday evening.
I will be playing football tonight at 7 o'clock.
will/shall + be + ww + ing
Shall = I & We. In questions: to make a suggestion/offer.
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This item has no instructions
Making predictions
I ________________________________ (to work) this friday at 6 o'clock.
__________________ we __________________ each other tomorrow morning? (to see)
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Vertel hoe het zit met de future continuous op de tijdlijn.
Practise yourself
Complete exercise 29 on page 153 in your Stepping Stones and the worksheet in google classroom.
Time: 15 minutes.
Voice level: first five minutes in silence.
Finished early? Practise some more using the links in google classroom.
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Exercise 29a:
will be playing
will be visiting
will you be joining
will be doing
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Exercise 29b:
will be growing
will be heading
won't have been
will have occured
won't have cost
will have replaced
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Exercise 1 of the worksheet:
will have arrived
will be raining
will have gotten
will not have completed
will/shall be driving
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The you of the future
Exchange your worksheet with the person next to you.
Highlight all the future perfect and future continuous phrases you see. Are they correct?
Correct your piece of writing.
Hand it in at the end of class.
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Bij tijd over? Laat de leerlingen elkaars schrijfopdracht van het werkblad beoordelen. Laat ze de grammatica markeren en hier feedback opgeven. De leerlingen mogen het daarna aanpassen en leveren het vervolgens in.
Can you now?
use the future perfect and the future continuous correctly (A2)?