M1 SS7 chapter 5 recap

Welcome M1D 

Week 10 - Lesson 1
Recap chapter 5 (I)

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome M1D 

Week 10 - Lesson 1
Recap chapter 5 (I)

Slide 1 - Slide

Slide 2 - Slide

Today's class
At the end of this class I...
  • ... can use words I have learned so far.
  • ... can use the grammar I have learned so far correctly.

Slide 3 - Slide

Wat moet ik leren?
  • Present Simple
  • Present Continuous
  • Present Simple versus Present Continuous
  • Possessive
  • Vocabulary Chapter 5: onderdelen A, C, F & G (NIET de Theme Words).
  • Leesvaardigheid & Schrijfvaardigheid

Waar vind ik een overzicht?
  • Magister.me - PTO3 - herhalingsweek

Slide 4 - Slide

What animal is this?

Slide 5 - Slide

Let's work!
Exercise 4(a)
page 158/159
  1. Werk in duo's of zelfstandig (op fluistertoon).
  2. Maak opdracht 4(a).
  3. Je hebt 8 minuten de tijd.
  4. Ik kom langs om te helpen.
  5. Daarna gaan we de antwoorden bespreken.

Slide 6 - Slide

KEY Exercise 4(a), page 158/159
  1. beak
  2. feathers
  3. claw
  4. scales
  5. tail
  6. fin
  7. spots
  8. snout
  9. paw
  1. The bird has a colourful beak and black feathers.
  2. The fish has lots of scales and a strong tail for swimming.
  3. The cheetah has lots of spots and big paws so it can run very fast.

Slide 7 - Slide

Let's work!
Exercise 4(b)+(c)
page 159
  1. Werk in duo's of zelfstandig (op fluistertoon).
  2. Maak opdracht 4(b)+(c).
  3. Je hebt 8 minuten de tijd.
  4. Ik kom langs om te helpen.
  5. Daarna gaan we de antwoorden bespreken.

Slide 8 - Slide

KEY Exercise 4(b)+(c), page 159
Exercise 4(c)
  1. afternoon
  2. biology
  3. Underground
  4. near
  5. playful
  6. favourite
  7. dangerous
  8. hungry
  9. fruit
  10. talk to
Exercise 4(b)

Slide 9 - Slide

- Exercise 4(b)+(c), page 159

Learn/ study:
- Vocabulary, chapter 5 (page 96/96): NIET de theme words

Slide 10 - Slide