Debating 101 # Lesson 01

Debating 101

Class 1 - term 4
1 / 16
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1-4

This lesson contains 16 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 90 min

Items in this lesson

Debating 101

Class 1 - term 4

Slide 1 - Slide

In this term we will.....
- Learn what a debate is
- Learn how a debate is structured
- Learn the different roles in a debate
- Create and have our own debate

Slide 2 - Slide

In this lesson...
What is a debate
How do you choose a good statement
Picking our debate statement
Debate groups
Thinking of arguments for our statement

Slide 3 - Slide

What is the definition of a debate?
A debate is an organized argument or contest of ideas in which the participants discuss a topic from two opposing sides. Those who agree with this statement or idea are the "Pro" side.  Those who will not agree with this statement or idea are the "Con" side.  Each side will show in an organized and clever way why they believe to have the right answers.  They will use examples and evidence to support their ideas while working towards a conclusion.  

Slide 4 - Slide

What is the aim of a debate
The aim of a debate is to convince the opposition that you are right. When the two sides agree on the subject or when one side's arguments are more convincing than the other side that is when the debate comes to a close. In a formal debate, a mediator (a person that has not agreed with the Pro or the Con) will decide who the winner should be. In an informal debate the argument can continue until the time when one side gives up 

Slide 5 - Slide

What is the definition of a debate?
An argument without evidence.
A formal discussion on a specific topic.
A casual conversation among friends.
A game of strategy and luck.

Slide 6 - Quiz

What is the primary aim of a debate?
To avoid conflict
To discuss differing viewpoints
To persuade others of a position
To agree on all issues

Slide 7 - Quiz

Wat ga je doen?
1. Je wordt zometeen ingedeeld in een groepje
2. Samen met je groepje ga je nadenken over een goede stelling voor een debat.
3. de stelling gaat over een relevant en landbouwgericht onderwerp

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Wat is een goede stelling?
1. Een stelling bestaat uit één zin en is kort en krachtig.
2. Een stelling is nooit een vraag.
3. Een stelling bevat geen argumenten.
4.De stelling moet gaan over iets waar zowel voor- als tegenstanders argumenten voor kunnen bedenken.
5.Een stelling bevat geen ontkenningen.
6. Een stelling bekent (geen) kleur.
7. Over het algemeen geldt: wanneer je het grondig eens of oneens kunt zijn met de stelling dan zit je goed.

Slide 9 - Slide

Creating debate statements:
Group 1: Saar, Musa, Mare, Moos
Group 2: Jonathan, Cundry, Ivar, Lisa
Group 3: Rissa, Floris, Renske, Nico, Daan
Group 4: Alexander, Doris, Jessy, Kaspar, Mia
Group 5: Casper, Beliz, Lukas, Thessa, Krijn
Group 6: Fintan, Aaron, Nynke, Nele,

Slide 10 - Slide

Which statements do we pick for our debate?

Slide 11 - Poll

Slide 12 - Video

Debate groups:
Group 1:
Jonathan                    Beliz
Floris                            Krijn
Ivar                                Mia 

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Debate groups:
Group 2:
Nico                            Daan    
Alexander                Mare
Thessa                      Lukas
Renske                     Aaron

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Debate groups:
Group 3:
Doris                       Jessy
Casper                   Musa
Rissa                       Saar

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Arguments for and against...
Within your group you are going to think of arguments for this statement and against it.
1. Think of your Claim
2. Think of reason why or why not

Finding the supportive evidence will be something for next week.

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