Lesson 2: Languages in Europe

Lesson two: languages in Europe
Let's Explore Europe: lesson 2
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Slide 1: Slide
eioMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 12 slides, with interactive quiz, text slides and 1 video.

Items in this lesson

Lesson two: languages in Europe
Let's Explore Europe: lesson 2

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Today's goals
- We know what languages are spoken in Europe.
- We know the difference between the different groups of languages. 

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Examples of languages spoken in Europe

Slide 3 - Mind map

Slide 4 - Video

People in Europe speak many diferent languages. Most of these languages belong to three large groups or ‘families’: Germanic, Slavic and Romance. The languages in each group share a family likeness because they are descended from the same ancestors. For example, Romance languages are
descended from Latin — the language spoken by the Romans.

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Germanic languages
Danish - God morgen
Dutch - Goedemorgen
English - Good morning
German - Guten morgen
Swedish - God morgon

Bulgarian Dobró útro
Croatian Dobro jutro
Czech Dobré ráno
Polish Dzień dobry
Slovak Dobré ráno
Slovene Dobro jutro

Slide 6 - Slide

French - Bonjour
Italian - Buongiorno
Portuguese - Bom dia
Romanian - Bună dimineaţa
Spanish - Buenos días

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Bulgarian - Dobró útro
Croatian - Dobro jutro
Czech - Dobré ráno
Polish - Dzień dobry
Slovak - Dobré ráno
Slovene - Dobro jutro

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Other languages
It’s not hard to see the family likeness in these examples. But there are other European languages that are less closely
related, or not at all related, to one another.

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In the language of the Roma people, who live in many parts of Europe, ‘Good morning’ is Lasho dyes. Learning languages can be great fun — and it’s important on a continent like ours. Many of us enjoy going on holiday to other European countries and getting to know the people there. That’s a great opportunity to practise the phrases we know in diferent languages.

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So what about us?
Which languages do you speak? 
How well do you speak them?

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Activity 2: Languages
Using the app "Duolingo", we're going to conduct an experiment. 

For the next 15 minutes, we're going to practice using Spanish using the app. During the next EIO lesson, I will quiz you on how much we remember and what we remember from our little Spanish lesson. 

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