3.7 Speak out Improv kahoot, jargon

TODAY  Unit 3C2 
 *Notebook+ Pen
 *English connect

Next test:  Achievement test ( Unit 3&4): end block 4
Next graded assignment:
Presentation block 3 in 3-7 
                  AGENDA 1 hour class:
  1. Improv
  2. kahoot
  3. Working in groups
  4. Closure
About: jargon, homework and prep the pres
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Slide 1: Slide
EnglishMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 14 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 100 min

Items in this lesson

TODAY  Unit 3C2 
 *Notebook+ Pen
 *English connect

Next test:  Achievement test ( Unit 3&4): end block 4
Next graded assignment:
Presentation block 3 in 3-7 
                  AGENDA 1 hour class:
  1. Improv
  2. kahoot
  3. Working in groups
  4. Closure
About: jargon, homework and prep the pres

Slide 1 - Slide

           Lesson plan Block 3

week 3-2 : 3A+ enquête 
week 3-3 : 3A2 + dogbreeds
Spring break
week 3-4 : L1 : 3B
week 3-5 : L2: 3B2
week 3-6 : L3: prepare presentations + dramalesson

week 3-7 : L4: 3C 
week 3-8 : L5:  Assignment U3
week 3-9:  3D + formative: 
week 3-10: L8: afsluitweek

Slide 2 - Slide


  1.  You have revised jargon and learned new words
  2. You know how to look confident giving a presentation


Slide 3 - Slide

Bring your stuff!!
Phones in bag
No food (unless I bring it)
Arrive on time

No littering
Be respectful
Try hard
Second time no homework done= no class

Slide 4 - Slide


Slide 5 - Slide

Take pictures of items you need in your presentation (10 minutes)

Slide 6 - Open question

Kahoot Health check

Slide 7 - Slide

Veterinary visit
Health check/ vaccination/ deworming/ fleas and ticks/ microchipping/ sterilisation and castration

Slide 8 - Slide

presentation/ homework

Slide 9 - Slide

Assignment Presentation
Wat: Maak in groepjes van 4 een presentatie van 4-6 minuten in het Engels, waarbij iedereen een stuk presenteert (voor de eigen klas).
Hoe: 1. Met behulp van de worksheet (ingevuld inleveren!)
           2. In expertrollen
           3. Met een PowerPoint of Prezi
Tijd:  30 minuten + thuis/ tijd over tijdens lessen
Klaar: E-mail presentatie en oefen wat je gaat zeggen!
Waarom: Om voorbereid te zijn op Engelstalige cliënten, als oefening voor presentaties op je werk en voor  het examen Spreken.

Slide 10 - Slide

What to say if you feel disrespected

* What was your intention about what you said/did?
* That was not okay with me, next time please...
* Auch, that was a bit hurtful, could you please change your tone? 
* I feel disrespected by your action, could you please..?

Slide 11 - Slide


  1.  You have revised jargon and learned new words
  2. You know how to look confident giving a presentation


Slide 12 - Slide

Next lesson: 3D 

Slide 13 - Slide

What did you think of the lesson?

Slide 14 - Poll