Periode 1 Writing week 35

Periode 1 Writing week 35
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 27 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Periode 1 Writing week 35

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Who is your teacher?
  •  Mrs Drost        
  •  Married
  • 5 children
  • hobbies: baking, cooking, reading,                                                               going on holiday

  • Bereikbaar: via chat of mail

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  1. At the end of this Lesson, I know what is expected from me this year
  2. I know where I can find information  I need to pass my tests

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Information & Necessaries
  • It's learning (werkwijzer)
  • Website             
  • LessonUp
  • All  Right (always bring your book!)
  • Skills (Writing-KLT-Speaking & Reading)
  • Woots
  • Friday is "Pleinles" unless told otherwise

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Before every lesson
  • Check your "werkwijzer"
  • Pre-teaching (check what we are going to do next lesson)
  •        e.g. practise the words in Quizlet
  •        e.g. watch the explanation about the grammar (website)
  • Study words
  • Check your targets 

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What if you have missed a lesson?
  • Check your planner, what are we going to do/have we done?
  • Check LessonUp
       e.g. practise the words in Quizlet
       e.g. watch the explanation about the grammar (website)
  • Make the exercises in All Right 
  • Practice listening skills - speaking skills - writing skills 
  • Check your targets 
  • Questions, mail/chat

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PTA 2024-2025
Alleen "writing" kan herkanst worden
Leesvaardigheidstoets wordt altijd in de laatste week voor de vakanties afgenomen. Deze toets bestaat uit 3 delen!
In periode 1 dus 2 toetsen: 
1.  All Right Toets Writing Theory week 40
2. Writing an essay TW week 43/44

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All Right
  • Je laptop is opgeladen en is "klaar voor gebruik" 
  • Indeling van het boek is anders dus let op welke grammatica er per toets bij komt!!
  • Je hebt altijd oortjes bij je
  • Voca en grammar opdrachten worden altijd online gemaakt

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Toetsen All Right
  1. Writing (deel 3 AR)    : Vocabulary - Adverbs - Prefixes/Suffixes - Linking words -                                                                        Expressions      Present Simple & Past Simple (? & -) & Irr Verbs 1-20
  2.  Speaking (deel 1 AR):  Vocabulary- Fixed expressions - Simile - Expressions                                                                                    Past Simple & Present Perfect  And Irr Verbs 1-40 (extra)
  3. Listening (deel 2 AR):  Vocabualry - Extreme Adjectives - phrasal verbs - Pre/Suffix                                                                      Future And Irr verbs 1-60  (extra)
  4. Reading (deel 4 AR)  :  Vocabulary - Linking Words - All Irregular verbs 1-82 (extra)

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Mastering the Essay: From Introduction to Conclusion 

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Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to effectively write an essay from start to finish.
Read the text about mobile phones in class.

Slide 11 - Slide

Introduce the learning objective and set expectations for the lesson.
Sugar Tax

Slide 12 - Mind map

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What comes to mind when you think about the subject (don't use any bad words)

Slide 13 - Mind map

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Sugar Tax

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Slide 1: Introduction
Understanding the purpose of an essay and the importance of clear communication.

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Explain the significance of essay writing and emphasize the need for clear communication skills.
Slide 2: Essay Structure
Body paragraphs

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Introduce the basic structure of an essay and highlight the three main sections.
Slide 3: Introduction
Background information 
Thesis statement 

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Explain the components of a strong introduction and provide examples.
Slide 4: Body Paragraphs
Topic sentence
Supporting evidence

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Discuss the elements of a well-developed body paragraph and guide students on how to organize their ideas.
Slide 5: Transitions
Using transitional words and phrases to create smooth flow between paragraphs.

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Explain the importance of transitions and provide examples for students to practice.
Slide 6: Conclusion
Restating thesis
Summarizing main points
Leaving a lasting impression.

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Guide students on how to effectively conclude their essays and encourage them to think about leaving a memorable impact on the reader.
Slide 7: Revision and Editing
Checking for coherence, clarity, grammar, and punctuation.

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Highlight the importance of revising and editing, and provide tips for students to self-edit their essays.
Slide 8: Practice and Feedback
Engaging in peer review and receiving constructive feedback.

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Encourage students to practice their essay writing skills and provide opportunities for peer review and feedback.
Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 23 - Open question

Have students enter three things they learned in this lesson. With this they can indicate their own learning efficiency of this lesson.
Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

Slide 24 - Open question

Here, students enter two things they would like to know more about. This not only increases involvement, but also gives them more ownership.
Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 25 - Open question

The students indicate here (in question form) with which part of the material they still have difficulty. For the teacher, this not only provides insight into the extent to which the students understand/master the material, but also a good starting point for the next lesson.
1 Bekijk de tekst (koppen en plaatjes)
2 Wat weet je al over het onderwerp 
3 Lees de vraag
4 Kun je het antwoord voorspellen? (zet je voorspelling op het blad)
5 Lees de antwoorden (MC: 4-2) en voorspel wat goed en fout is (op het blad)
6 Lees het stuk tekst bij de vraag en markeer (werk in de tekst) elimineer
7 Schrijf in de tekst of bij de antwoorden waarom iets goed of fout is

P.s  de tijdsbesparing zit in de controle aan het eind van een examen!


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Deze toets telt niet mee maar,..........

Use a dictionary and look at the reading strategies!

Over deze Nulmeting mag je maximaal 3 lessen doen. Als je klaar bent, ga je bezig met KLT in Woots.

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