V4B 17-2-2025 45 min

Please sit with your group!
You need: reader, pen, notebook
1 / 36
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 36 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

Please sit with your group!
You need: reader, pen, notebook

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Lesson goals
- You will have worked on the poetry project
- You will have analysed a WWI poem
- You will have learned more about the poppy tradition

Slide 4 - Slide

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Today's Lesson
Learn about:
Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae
The origin of the Remembrance Day Poppies

Analyse: In Flanders Fields

If time: learn more about WWI

Slide 5 - Slide

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Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae & 
Remembrance Day poppies
Page 14-15

We will check the answers to the questions later

Slide 6 - Slide

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We will listen to the poem "In Flanders Fields" 
Page 16

What images are used to create a vivid atmosphere (underline)?

Slide 7 - Slide

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Slide 8 - Video

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"In Flanders Fields" 

What images are used to create a vivid atmosphere?

Slide 9 - Slide

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In Flanders Fields
Page 16: Read the poem again
- In pairs
- Answer the questions about In Flanders Fields

We will check the answers together afterwards
+ the answers to the questions on pp.14-15

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Homework for next lesson: reader pp.12-13
"Suicide in the Trenches"
  1. Read the poem. Look up any words you don't know and write them next to the poem.
  2.  Do task 4: questions 1-5 (not 6)
  3. Write the answers in your reader

Slide 11 - Slide

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Homework for next lesson: reader pp.12-13
"Suicide in the Trenches"

You may use Litcharts.com to help you analyze
Please note: answers should be in your own words & you should understand anything you write down

Slide 12 - Slide

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Remember the letters?
- A couple of weeks ago, we listened to 3 letters
- Think of a style characteristic of each letter
- Letters written by 1. Quirine, 2. Mohamed, 3. Tim

Slide 13 - Slide

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Style characteristics:
1. Quirine, 2. Mohamed, 3. Tim

Slide 14 - Open question

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1. Allusion to the senses (sound, sight)     Q
2. Description of actions    M
3. Conversational, dialogue     T

These are ways to make your writing more vivid!

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Reviewing your writing
Take notes!

I will give you the letters / poems in a minute

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Letter writing: tips (1)
- Start with location + date!
- Then: Dear [name], (comma!)
- Last sentence of your letter: a personal remark to the other person 
- Then: Love, / Regards, / All the best, [your name]

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Letter writing: tips (2)

Punctuation & capitals
Try not to repeat the same word too often
Beautiful / useful etc.: only one L 

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Lesson goals

- You have worked on the poetry project
- You have analysed a WWI poem
- You have learned more about the poppy tradition

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Watching a video about life in a trench (3:14 mins)
What typical features of WWI do you see & hear?

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Slide 22 - Link

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Typical features of WWI (combine with what you remember from previous lessons):

Slide 23 - Mind map

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Trench warfare
Barbed wire
No man's land

Horses (transitional period): Not only used in combat, but also for moving guns and supplies,  and pulling ambulances. It is estimated that 484,000 British horses were killed during the Great War. 

Slide 24 - Slide

During the First World War horses were invaluable; they were used by cavalry regiments in battle, moved guns and supplies to the front and even pulled ambulances.
They also faced a high death rate. Over the course of the war, Britain lost over 484,000 horses; one horse for every two men.

New, advanced & mass-produced weaponry that could cause mass destruction:
Machine guns
High explosive shells
Poison gas / gas mask 

First use of tanks / armoured vehicles (Battle of the Somme, 1916)
Use of airplanes, zeppelins, submarines

Shell shock (combat stress disorder - panic, fear, sleeplessness, etc), 

fear, boredom, fatigue

trench foot

Slide 25 - Slide

Mustard gas: eyes, nose, skin, breathing, intestines (nausea, vomiting)

New high explosive shells, that could be fired farther and at a higher rate of fire

It was discovered that a key preventive measure was regular foot inspections

Soldiers were paired and made responsible for the feet of the other. As a team, they were more likely to actually remove their boots and socks, check for any damage, and to begin treatment at an earlier stage.

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.....You are a soldier, living in the trenches
- Think of the experiences / situations /
   activities you have just researched
- What kind of feelings could you experience during a day?
- Make a list

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What to expect in period 3:
Poetry, creative writing, speaking

- 3 March: creative writing test (3x)
- During this period: writing assignment in class (mandatory)
- Week 13 (testweek): group conversation (15-20 mins, 3x)
- End of period: hand in (completed) poetry reader (mandatory)

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What do you need to do?
  • Go through the reader and do the tasks (I will tell you  what to do and when). You need to hand everything in.
  • Read the poems and analyse them using the glossary
  • Decide which poem is your favourite and why
  • Take the writing test
  • Write a poem using your new acquired knowledge
  • Oral exam in groups of 3/4 about all of the above

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Parts of speech: find examples
  1. Adjectives
  2. Adverbs
  3. Verbs: 
        - Simple present
        - Simple past
        - Present perfect
        - Future present (schedules - plans - belief/promise)

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Slide 31 - Mind map

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Slide 32 - Mind map

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Present Simple (verb): we...

Slide 33 - Mind map

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Past Simple (verb): we...

Slide 34 - Mind map

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Present perfect (verb): we...

Slide 35 - Mind map

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Future present: we...
(schedules - plans - belief/promise)

Slide 36 - Mind map

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