Th1/ kt2 : will shall to be going to ( unit 4)

future: will/shall/ to be + going to
Welcome class: make lots of notes please!
Your book p. 158
1 / 22
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo t, havoLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 22 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

future: will/shall/ to be + going to
Welcome class: make lots of notes please!
Your book p. 158

Slide 1 - Slide

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The sea-level will rise 40 feet.
p. 160 will
will is used for a prediction( een voorspelling)
you THINK it will happen, but you're not sure.

Will gebruik je ook bij een: wens, veronderstelling, belofte, aanbod en een verzoek

Slide 2 - Slide

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The phone is ringing! "I will get it."
will is also used for a spontaneous decision ( een spontaan besluit)
you do NOT have to PLAN it.

Slide 3 - Slide

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Shall we dance?
SHALL is used (instead of will) in combination with
WE or I.
Usually asking a question ( je doet een voorstel of je vraagt naar iemands voorkeur of besluit).

Slide 4 - Slide

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I am going to buy a new car.
(to be) + going to
I AM GOING to buy a new car.
Use to be + going to for a PLANNED ACTION/ CERTAINTY = een geplande actie/ een zekerheid

Slide 5 - Slide

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He is going to fall.
(to be) + going to
He is going to fall.
You see it coming. Use (TO BE) + GOING TO if it is CERTAIN ( je ziet het aankomen; het is zeker dat hij gaat vallen)

Slide 6 - Slide

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Slide 7 - Slide

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Make notes!
will not= won't

Slide 8 - Slide

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Slide 9 - Video

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Write down 3 predictions the fortuneteller tells him...

Slide 10 - Open question

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Welke zin past hier het best? (Kijk naar de afbeelding!)
Look! It will rain soon.
Look! It is going to rain soon.

Slide 11 - Quiz

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Welke zin past hier het best? (Het is zeker dat dit gebeurt.)
Trump will build a wall.
Trump is going to build a wall.

Slide 12 - Quiz

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Welke zin past hier het best?
We're going to hit that horse!
We will hit that horse!

Slide 13 - Quiz

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Hopefully, I ........ my grammar test.
am going to pass
will pass

Slide 14 - Quiz

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My friends and I ........... Glastonbury festival this Friday.
will visit
are going to visit

Slide 15 - Quiz

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What would you like to eat?
> I ..... a sandwich, please.
will have
am going to have

Slide 16 - Quiz

Het is een beslissing die je op dit moment maakt. Daarbij hoort het gebruik van will.
My bus is delayed.
I ...... too late at the airport.
am going to be
will be

Slide 17 - Quiz

Vanwege de vertraging van je bus heb je nu aanleiding om aan te nemen dat je te laat gaat komen.

Slide 18 - Link

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Vat nu eens in eigen woorden samen. Wanneer gebruik je 'going to' en wanneer 'will'?

Slide 19 - Open question

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Slide 20 - Link

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Slide 21 - Link

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Slide 22 - Link

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