Schrijven les 2: 14.3

Writing, lesson 2
1 / 31
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 31 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Writing, lesson 2

Slide 1 - Slide

Heb je je examenresultaat gezien & ben je tevreden?

Slide 2 - Poll

Bij onvoldoende of afwezig:
Recht op een herkansing.

Wie wil dit?

Slide 3 - Slide

Writing 14.3
As you can read in your weekly letter, you have to do the following assignments in 14.3 (we don't do 14.2)

NuEngels 14.3: 3, 40, 40 extra
Itslearning: Schrijven 14.1

Slide 4 - Slide

On Itslearning you will find 3 assignments for this period.


I have put the deadline on April 16th, but I would advise you to do one assignment every two weeks. These assignments are mandatory (verplicht!)!

Slide 5 - Slide

1 Write about your holiday

You are going to write a blogpost about your holiday.
Before you start writing, brainstorm some ideas. Fill in the answers below.

Where did you go?
When did you go on holiday?
How did you get there?
Who was with you?
What did you do?
Did you hear / see / taste / smell something special or strange?
What emotions did you experience?
2 Write about your future profession

What does it take to be successful in your field?
Think of at least five different characteristics of a successful person in your future profession.
Include information about what skills and characteristics are needed.

3 - Writing about your favourite hobby or sport

Slide 6 - Slide

Have you started working on writing the assignment of 14.1 on Itslearning?

Slide 7 - Poll

Why (not)?

Slide 8 - Mind map

14.3 Schrijven opstel/verhaal
1. Bepaal je onderwerp. Als je zelf mag kiezen, kies dan iets wat dicht bij je staat. Dat is gemakkelijker om over te schrijven.
2. Verzamel informatie. Bijvoorbeeld via internet.
3. Plan je verhaal: wat ga je vertellen en in welke volgorde. Schrijf kernwoorden op.
4. Begin met schrijven en structureer  je verhaal. Gebruik signaalwoorden!
5. Lees je tekst helemaal door en bepaal of het goed genoeg is.
6. Verbeter je (spel)fouten.

Slide 9 - Slide

Schrijven advertentie
Denk bij een advertentie aan het volgende:
1. Schrijf kort op waar de advertentie over gaat. Je kunt  bepaalde woorden kleur geven of vetgedrukt maken om ze op te laten vallen.
2. Wees duidelijk over een eventuele prijs.
3. Wat is nog meer belangrijk? Is er nog meer wat je moet vermelden?
4. Schrijf je contactgegevens op: hoe kunnen mensen je bereiken?

Slide 10 - Slide

Making an advert
When I'm done explaining you are going to work on making an advert. You will get time during class for this.

Slide 11 - Slide

Pitfalls (valkuilen)
Als je 'm ziet en snapt trap je er niet in, dus kijk en lees goed.

Slide 12 - Slide

I'm selling my shoes, I have ... many

Slide 13 - Quiz

I'm going to school, .... to Iris her house.

Slide 14 - Quiz

.. almost weekend!

Slide 15 - Quiz

..... 17 now, you can call the doctor yourself

Slide 16 - Quiz

Are those shoes new? Yes, .... brand new!

Slide 17 - Quiz

When we ... on holiday in Spain, I got sunburnt

Slide 18 - Quiz

Too - to - two

Too  - te (veel) of ook
I have too many shoes
You're a good drummer too!

To - voorzetsel; naar, aan, van, tot, te (voor een werkwoord)
I am going to Canada
Can you give this to Will?

Two -  het getal twee
You ate two cookies?

Their - there - they're 

Their - bezittelijk voornaamwoord hun
The kids are busy doing their homework.

There - daar(heen) of er (plaats!)
Would you like to go there?

They're - samentrekking van they are/zij zijn
They're probably the best students in this class

Slide 19 - Slide

Slide 20 - Link

Slide 21 - Link

Then - than

Then- daarna, toen, dan
I moved to Leeuwarden but then I moved back to Groningen

Than -dan in een vergelijking; groter dan, sneller dan, kleiner dan
He is even taller than my brother who is already 2, meters!
This apartment is larger than the others we looked at
Your - you're 

Your - je, jouw, uw, jullie
Lets go to your place
I am sorry I dropped your phone

You're - samentrekki gvan you are (u/jij/je bent). 
You're the kindest person I know

Slide 22 - Slide

Slide 23 - Link

Slide 24 - Link

Its - it's

Its - bezittelijk voornaamwoord (z'n of zijn). Je verwijst ermee naar dingen, dieren of personen die niet duidelijk mannelijk of vrouwelijk zijn of bijvoorbeeld non-binair. Ook wanneer iets onzijdig is (bijvoorbeeld butcher).

Can you give the dog its bone back?
The butcher is selling its meat. 

It's - samentrekking van it is
it's my turn to play the Sims now

Where - were - we're 

Where - waar (plaats)
Where have you been, Joey?

Were - was (verleden tijd van to be)
You were the first to arrive here.

We're - samentrekking van we are, wij zijn.
We're at the top already.

Slide 25 - Slide

Slide 26 - Link

Slide 27 - Link

Last week: 14.1 exercise 2, 3, 32 and 32 extra 

This week: 14.3: exercise 3, 40, 40 extra

But first..

Slide 28 - Slide

Making an advert

Think of something you want to make an advert for. It could be for selling your school books, for selling clothes, for your hairsalon, etc. etc..

You have to include the following details:
- What are you selling?
- How can they contact you?
- How much does it cost?
- Where is it to be picked up or can it be send by post?

Be as creative as you want, but make sure it is an attractive advert. You can do this in Word, Paint, Canva. When you are done, hand it in on Itslearning.

Slide 29 - Slide

What are you going to sell in your advert?

Slide 30 - Mind map

Making an advert
Think of something you want to make an advert for. It could be for selling your school books, for selling clothes, for your own  hairsalon, etc.

You have to include the following details:
- What are you selling?
- How can they contact you?
- How much does it cost?
- Where is it to be picked up or can you mail the item?

Be as creative as you want, but make sure it is an attractive advert. You can do this in Word, Paint, Canva

When you are done, hand it in on Itslearning.

Done and handed in your advert on Itslearning? Then you can start on working on NuEngels:

Homework from last week: 14.1 exercise 2, 3, 32 and 32 extra

Homework for this week:  14.3   exercise 3, 40, 40 extra

Slide 31 - Slide