havo 4 unit 2 - lesplan

Lesson plan:
Check week schedule for this week: 36
- Review Unit 1 grammar
- Lesson 1: Unit 2.1
- Lesson 2: Unit 2.2
- Lesson 3: writing practice (Writing Folder 1)
- Lesson 4: finish your weektask/read the book + formative vocab test Worldlist 1

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 39 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 4 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

Lesson plan:
Check week schedule for this week: 36
- Review Unit 1 grammar
- Lesson 1: Unit 2.1
- Lesson 2: Unit 2.2
- Lesson 3: writing practice (Writing Folder 1)
- Lesson 4: finish your weektask/read the book + formative vocab test Worldlist 1

Slide 1 - Slide

Review grammar Unit 1

Slide 2 - Slide

Dogs are ........ than rabbits.
more intelligent

Slide 3 - Quiz

Julie is ....... than her sister.
more quiet

Slide 4 - Quiz

London is a lot ..... than Edinburgh.
more busy

Slide 5 - Quiz

My mom is ....... of all our parents.
the strictest
the most strict

Slide 6 - Quiz

In the Netherlands, the streets are ....... in the UK.
narrower than
more narrow than

Slide 7 - Quiz

My Maths class is ...... class in school.
the boringest
the most boring

Slide 8 - Quiz

Extra exercise
Complete the following exercise using the words from the table in correct comparative forms. Use than where necessary.

1. I was feeling tired last night, so I went to bed earlier than usual. 
2. I'd like to have a more reliable car. The one I've got keeps breaking down. 
3. Unfortunately her illness was ...................... we thought at first. 
4. You look ................. . Have you lost weight? 
5.  I want a  .............  flat. We don't have enough space here. 
6. He doesn't study very hard. He's  .................... in having a good time. 
7. Health and happiness are ................... money.\
8. The instructions were very complicated. They could have been ................
9.There were a lot of people on the bus. It was  ................... usual. 
10. I like living in the countryside. It's .................... living in a town. 
11. You'll find your way around the town ...................... if you have a good map. 
12. In some parts of the country, prices are .................. in others.

Slide 9 - Slide

Answers extra exercise
3. more serious than
4. thinner
5. bigger
6. more interested
7. more important than
8.  simpler
9. more crowded than
10. more peaceful than
11. more easily
12. higher

Slide 10 - Slide

Unit 2: The virtual world
Time to talk about games!
Which games do you like to play?
Why do you play games?

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Video

Computer games are anti-social and violent, and their users are mindless nerds.
I agree
I don't agree
I have no opinion

Slide 13 - Quiz

Unit 2.1 Speaking
  • Split up into groups of 4
  • Note down 5 disadvantages and 5 advantages of playing games online.
  • Discuss these with another group. Are there any differences in what you noted down?

Slide 14 - Slide


Slide 15 - Mind map


Slide 16 - Mind map

What are the five most important features of any computer game?

Slide 17 - Open question

Unit 2.1: Reading
skimming = reading a text very quickly to get a general idea of what it is about

scanning = running your eyes over a text very quickly, just looking for particular words or information

Slide 18 - Slide

Exercise 4
a. What are you going to scan for?
b. Where do you find the information you need?
c. What kind of words are you looking for to find the least suitable game for adults?
d. What kind of words are related to soundtrack?

Now do exercise 4

Slide 19 - Slide

Exercise 5
Form groups of four.
Choose one review and find out:
  • What sort of game is it?
  • One good point about the game
  • One bad point about the game

Slide 20 - Slide

Unit 2.1: Vocabulary
Collocations = words that commonly go together - nouns after certain verbs, adverbs, with adjectives etc. These types of the word combinations often return on a test.

Now let's do exercise 6: read the reviews 1-3 and find the nouns that go with verbs a-d. Then choose two more collocates for each verb from the box.

Slide 21 - Slide


Slide 22 - Drag question

Unit 2.1: Adverbs without -ly
Some words have the same form for adjective and adverb
fast - hard - late 
good has an irregular adverb: well

mind: hardly and lately have a different meaning. They are not the adverbs of hard and late!
lately = de laatste tijd   Have you heard from him lately?
hardly = nauwelijks      I can hardly believe that he was arrested

Slide 23 - Slide

-ly adverbs
When you add -ly to an adjective to turn it into an adverb, the spelling sometimes changes!
easy - easily
endless - endlessly
graphic - graphically
remarkable - remarkably
true - truly

Slide 24 - Slide

Unit 2.1: Corpus spot
Correct the spelling mistakes in the adverbs.

Slide 25 - Slide

Unit 2.2: Grammar

Slide 26 - Slide

Slide 27 - Slide

 Present simple

I work - Do you work? - I don't work / he works - Does he work? - He doesn't work

When do you use the present simple?

permanent situations / facts

Example: Water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.

Habitual situations / habits (sometimes, often, usually etc)

Example: I usually do my homework before supper.

In time clauses (once, until etc)

Example: You stay at school until you finish this assignment.

In zero conditionals (if/when + present simple, present simple: every time the first part happens, the second part happens too)  = in effect a fact

Example: If the temperature drops below zero, water turns into ice.

In schedules, timetables

Example: the train leaves at 18. 45 from platform 3b.

Slide 28 - Slide

Present continuous

He is working - Is he working? - he isn't working

When do you use the present continuous?

Temporary situations (as opposed to permanent situations)

Example: This month I am working in our Hong Kong office.

Developing situations

Example:In autumn it is getting dark earlier and earlier.

Events happening now / something that is going on now

Example: Look! Those men are cleaning the windows of that skyscraper.

Events in the near future / fixed plan for the future

Example: We are flying to New York on Thursday


Example: That awful girl is always gossiping about her classmates!

Now do exercises 1-5

Slide 29 - Slide

Explanation in Dutch

If you think it is very difficult to have the explanation of the tenses in English only, you can watch the videos below for an explanation in Dutch.

If you understand the tenses you do not need to watch the videos!

Slide 30 - Slide

Slide 31 - Video

Slide 32 - Video

Slide 33 - Video

Unit 2.2: Word formation
There are different parts of speech:
  • noun ( zelfstandig naamwoord)
  • verb ( werkwoord)
  • adjective ( bijvoeglijk naamwoord)
  • adverb ( bijwoord)
The information in the sentence (before and after the gap) tells you which part of speech you have to use. For the test you need to learn how to use all 4 parts of speech. Now do exercises 6-8

Slide 34 - Slide

Unit 2.2: Word formation

After the/a/an/ some/any/many / his etc / you use a noun. Check if there is not a noun after the gap. If there is, use an adjective.

His ... to succeed impressed us very much. DETERMINE   answer: determination

If there is  a gap in front of a noun  or after  a form of to be you get an adjective.

It is ... to see how far he can jump. ASTONISH  answer: astonishing.

He  received a very ...... letter. BEAUTY   anser: beautiful

If there is a gap after a verb or before an adjective  you use an adverb.

They  spoke .... about the difficult situation. INTELLIGENCE  answer : intelligently

Nobody knew where the .... difficult test would take place. EXTREME  answer: extremely

Sometimes you need to add a prefix as well.

After the divorce Fred felt very ... for quite a long time. HAPPINESS  answer unhappy

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exercise 6
trick - tricky
mess - messy
mud - muddy
ice - icy

noun - adjective

Slide 36 - Slide

Slide 37 - Slide

exercise 7
access - accessible
trick - tricky
colour - colourful
favour - favourable
mind - mindless
help - unhelpful
hope - hopeless

Slide 38 - Slide

exercise 8
to be popular - popularity - popular - popularly 
to access - access - accessible - x
to apply - application - applicable - x
to be able - ability - able - x
to impress - impression - impressive - impressively
x - x - electronical - electronically
to trick - trick - tricky - x

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