1.5 Verb + ing / to infinitive

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Notice the verb pattern in the picture.
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 11 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 40 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome HV2
Please take your seat
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Notice the verb pattern in the picture.

Slide 1 - Slide

Class expectations
Everyone tries to speak English
Laptops are half-closed when not in use - NO gaming!
Listen to each other when someone's speaking
You're silent when working alone - Q's allowed
No loud noises when working together
Have respect and be kind!

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Today's planning
  • 1.5 Grammar (verb patterns)

Slide 3 - Slide

1.5 Grammar
You can use verbs + to infinitive and -ing forms

Discuss these Q's with a neigbor:
1: What do you think of when seeing verb + ing / to infinitive?
2: Try making a sentence with verb + ing and verb + to infinitive.

Slide 4 - Slide

How to take notes
Four elements are important:

WHAT: what is it --> Dutch word.
WHEN: when do we use it?
HOW: how do we use it?
EXAMPLE: 2/3 examples to help you remember.

Slide 5 - Slide

What's the difference in meaning?
Stop to buy bread from the supermarket. (verb + to infinitive)
Stop buying bread from the supermarket. (verb + ing)

  1. You are going to the supermarket to buy bread. 
  2. Someone says that you should stop buying bread.

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1.5 Grammar
You use verb + to infinitive (hele ww) with these verbs: 
agree, can’t afford, choose, decide, hope, manage, need, pretend, refuse, want, ’d like, ’d prefer

Ms. Y refuses to speak a lot of Dutch.
Tim and Tom want to go on vacation together.
HV2 students manage to do all their homework.

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1.5 Grammar
You use verb +  to infinitive with these verbs:
avoid, can’t stand, consider, don’t mind, enjoy, hate, like, love, miss, prefer, spend time

I love going home after a long day.
Ms. Y enjoys watching Netflix.
HV2 students prefer working in groups.

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1.5 Grammar
As you know, there are verbs that belong to the two categories --> grammar focus on p. 10
You need to memorize and study these verbs.

MUST: complete exercises 3, 6 and 7
CHOOSE: Quick quiz or Gameshow

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Speaking time
Pair up with your neighbour.

Click this link and spin the wheel.

Choose the right verb pattern, answer the question, discuss the answer and switch roles.

Let me know if you have Q's.

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Do you ... / 
Can you ...
... know how to take notes?
... know the difference between the verb + ing & to infinitive?
... you use both correctly?

TO DO: study 1.5 +
study the irr verbs
Use the SB for extra practice p. 133

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