P1 - Week 4 - Lesson 1

Week 4 - Lesson 1
1 / 21
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 21 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Week 4 - Lesson 1

Slide 1 - Slide

1. Read book
2. Check homework (p.7 + 8)
3. Modal Verbs
4. Homework

Slide 2 - Slide

Read your book
In silence!

Slide 3 - Slide

Homework p. 7
  • 1. I have often been to London.
  • 2. Have you ever been to Boston? 
  • 3. He sometimes plays golf on Sundays.
  • 4. The weather is always bad in November.
  • 5. It never rains in California.
  • 6. We seldom have fish for dinner.
  • 7. She will rarely see him.
  • 8. Peter usually doesn't get up before seven. / Peter doesn't usually get...
  • 9. They do not always play Tennis on Sundays.
  • 10. Marry hardly ever watches TV.
  • 1. We are going on Holiday to France this year. 
  • 2. He often played truant last week.
  • 3. I met her in town yesterday.
  • 4. He can hardly speak Russian.

Slide 4 - Slide

Homework p. 8
  • 5. They had also sold the house.
  • 6. I certainly would have told him.
  • 7. You will have forgotten him soon.
  • 8. English is still compulsory at schools in the Netherlands.
  • 9. Did he live in Amsterdam before 1998?
  • 10. I completely disagree with you that I should have told him earlier.
  • 11. You can hardly see how hard he works.
  • 12. Will you go to this football match tomorrow?

  • 13. Have you ever heard such nonsense?
  • 14. I cannot possibly comply with your request.
  • 15. We met them in London last year.
  • 16. You can easily find these words in a dictionary.
  • 17. I usually get up at seven.
  • 18. Do you ever read an English paper?
  • 19. You should pronounce every word clearly.
  • 20. He had obviously missed the train.

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can / cannot

could / could not

Be (not) able to

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Can + infinitive
Wanneer je iets wel of niet kunt doen

I can dance very well
She cannot swim at all
They can come over later today

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Could + infinitive
Wanneer je iets wel of niet kon / wanneer iets zou kunnen

I could swim when I was seven
I could help you if you like
We couldn't do our homework, our house burnt down

Slide 8 - Slide

Be able to + infinitive
Als je in staat bent iets te doen (formeel)
Als je in staat was om iets te doen op een specifiek moment

I was able to get a big discount
She was able to escape from the prison
I am able to come to your party good sir

Slide 9 - Slide

Should  (not)

Should  (not) have

Must (not)

Have to

Don't have to

Ought to

Slide 10 - Slide

Should + infinitive
voor het geven en vragen van een advies of mening

You should call your parents every day
He shouldn't listen to such bad music
I think we should give all our money to charity

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Should Have + participle
Wanneer iemand iets wel of niet had moeten doen

You should have done your homework
They should have listened to their mother
We shouldn't have given our money away

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Must + infinitive
Wanneer jij vindt dat iemand iets wel of niet moet doen

You must listen to me
You mustn't cross here! It's dangerous.

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Have to + infinitive
Als iets moet van iets of iemand anders. (volgens de regels)

You have to wait at a traffic light
You have to stop at a stop sign

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Don't have to + infinitive
Als iets niet hoeft

You don't have to take your shoes off when you come in
They don't have to do their homework, it's not on Magister

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Ought to + infinitive
Als iets in een ideale situatie zou/had moeten

We ought to eat veggies every day
You ought to have fed the baby every three hours

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be allowed to

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May + infinitive
Om aan te geven of te vragen of iets wel of niet mag of kan gebeuren

You may get lost if you don't use Google Maps
May I go to the toilet please?
No, you may not go to the toilet

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Might + infinitive
Om aan te geven of te vragen of iets wel of had mogen gebeuren (verleden tijd)
I might have helped you if you had been nicer.

Om aan te geven of te vragen of iets wel of niet zou mogen gebeuren (may > might)
He might help you if you ask nicely.

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Be allowed to + infinitive
Om aan te geven of er wel of geen toestemming is voor iets of om toestemming te vragen

We are not allowed to smoke here
You were allowed to smoke in the classroom in the past

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* Do pages 9, 10, 11
* Study the vocabulary
* Study the grammar rules

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